You Mincing Ninny

When only the second torrent is porn you can say this was made to help the internet build a better world

Let's see if it doesnt die like the 3D TV fad


I totally agree with this. Whenever we hear about one of these rage gamers, it's almost always on XBox, and CoD is almost always mentioned. As a well-reasoned adult, I get really frustrated with the toxic chat environment. I usually just quit out and do something else.

This would not have happened if the bike had a gun.

ubisoft was asked about this once before. sadly, they said in a statement that they'd never make an assassins creed game set in shogunate japan. the closest thing we've got is assassins creed embers.

Sorry, I think thia whole thing is stupid. If I make a character I'll dress 'em as I wanna dress 'em, period. Barely-there armor? If that's what I'm feeling, that's what she's wearing, fuck haters! It's just chubby chick propaganda!

What's heartbreaking is the colossal ignorance towards depression in the comments. You morons obviously have no clue how crushing depression can be.

So you think this woman, wo is almost certainly having a mental breakdown, should go do hard time? Is that going to help her kids? WTF is wrong with you assholes.

Look up postpartum depression in the dictionary, fuckwad.

Mental illness is illness.

and the pregnant mother....

"She didn't tell us nothing about a baby."

You can call me out all you want but you pointed at a few games out of the hundreds that were created.

Noooooo, it's Link doing furry play... can't remember much of the story but I really liked it and even started a second playthrough. But I stopped at that stupid psychic get the handle in the middle of the bar boss thingy, that I needed for ever to clear the first time. The only thing I couldn't get over with was the

Seriously, one would *think* that things like....gosh I don't know, facts, reason, education, visible evidence, empirical data, logic and things like that would make your position a lot more tenable and reasonable.