You Mincing Ninny

Damn white people...we're so much better off these days.
Oh wait...


There is no outrage here.

Period Panties are meant to helpfully eliminate the difficulty of explaining to your significant other that you are menstruating

I'd wear them all the time just to mess with my boyfriend, mwhahahahaha!

Actually, I'd wear them because I like the designs and horror movies and my boyfriend is a mature individual who doesn't treat me like the plague when I menstruate.

Then don't buy them!

But, periods are kind of gross and hilarious. At least to me. I mean - stains and cramps and 'why am I getting a zit at thirty [mumblemumble] years old'. And I wouldn't buy these, ever, because if I need to tell my partner I don't want him near my ladybits for whatever reason, I just use my words, not my

I would wear underpants that say "Cunt Dracula" or "Evil Beaver" any day of the month. For real.

Eh. I think it's funny. My husband isn't a fan of period sex and I think this would be a humorous way to tip him off without discussing it. Also, I get really emotional during my period. I used to call it shark week (I guess this kind of period humor is my kind of thing), so these amuse me.

I'm supporting this kickstarter because a) I think the designs are cute as hell and b) they seem to be well designed for my menstrual needs (i.e. black gusset or whatever it's called). Personally, the use of the monsters indicated to me a big eye-roll in the direction of how men feel about periods. I also did not take

As a girl who calls her period Shark Week, and who has unfortunately ended up in the hospital 3 seperate times for passing out because of the intense pain caused by cramps (runs in my family) I whole heartedly love these and want every pair. I think they're hilarious.

I would be spawning sheep everywhere.

Big shiny things confuse and distract him. Like a parrot.

Yeah, that didn't work out too well for Matthew McConaughey in Sahara.

reminds me of playing simcity 2000, those were always great upgrades for energy for your city. you were definitely on the verge of the future then when you started investing in those.

The reverse vasectomies ones always got me. I would hear radio commercials driving that literally set things up as some poor man, misguided by his wife to have a vasectomy, and then that cheating whore up and left him, and now he has a new girlfriend and 'wants to be a man' again. Riiiiight.

You forgot advertisements for reverse vasectomies.

don't worry, the rooms will move in another 2 minutes.

With BigT, you need to slow things down. He's not very bright and has difficulty reading