You Mincing Ninny

I actually liked Heavenly Sword a lot and was really disappointed when I learned that the sequel fell through. I'd take Nariko over Kratos anyday.

Despite not being in any sort of physical danger, Zimmerman still plans to shoot DMX.

BoC: Excuse me, waiter, I'll have an Arnold Palmer.

it will probably be very effective in catching crime perpetrated by cops

like this ? this is one of those examples when it just feels forced. (not a video game but still)

As loathe as I am do get into this kind of an argument I actually agree with this concept. My problem is that the people that argue against diversity, for one reason or another, come off as such incredible douchebags most of the time. Argumentative, vile, virulent, aggressive, (I need another "V" word) vitriolic, and

In Qatar more than 200 migrant workers have already died building their World Cup Venues. Sochi is an equal joke. Brazil? Fucking hopeless. This is what happens when naive idealistic political correctness runs amok and corrupt shit ass countries are given the green light to steal money and extort any and everyone.

Note: Water is not available until the room above you is occupied.

The bottom guy is cool. Darth Maul just looks silly.

No dust mask, no eye protection. OSHA is going to be all over thi... never mind.

It's not that hard to find this information, it's not exactly secret.

It's so pathetic how butt hurt everyone gets over Apples success

They go all the way down. It's really not that far down when you compare to the thousands of miles they cross horizontally. There is really no reason to make them float in the middle, they would be more likely to get damaged by something like that.

And everyone of them is tapped by the NSA and GCHQ.

Thank you, I knew I was going to be corrected by a gun enthusiast over some pointilistic detail. That'll teach me for trying to relate these things to a layperson.

...and this my friends is why the government gets to keep doing what it does.

Some people like to live in their world where Android and Nintendo and iOS simply can't handle full-fledged games beyond the super-casual Angry Birds remote waggling.