You Mincing Ninny

Ship-breaking occurs in Bangladesh and other places like this mostly because nimbyists succeeded in making it legally and/or economically impossible to do this kind of work anywhere in the 'first world'. So what happened is what always happens: This supposedly 'dirty' and/or 'dangerous' work just gets done someplace

Abolish sports.

We already have titanfall, thank you. Please fail in a more original manner.

No. It just looks suspiciously like Titanfall.

Another 'far future' world with spaceships and vast technology and installations and teleporters and ray shields . . . in which combat comes down to infantry dopes with rifles. Oh and of the rifles fire ballistic bullets because of course they do.

How can you have a project go over budget when it's being built by slaves?

Thanks, tedious gun nerd.

Isn't HMC part of the larger universe of Chrestomanci? I'd thought it was one of the various parallel dimensions or something. Jones doesn't knit everything together super-tight in her stories.

I've always referred to Valkyria Chronicles as "Hayao Miyazaki Presents: Medal of Honor".


The uranium. Colin Powell. The Security Council speech.

Ah, of course. And there will always be a 'new' Al Qaeda for us to fight, won't there? In other words, you failed. You aren't actually all that good at fghting or winning. But there's your military meal ticket to consider, so of course we will forever be garrisoning 50 places which are, eternally, 'in transition'. Oh

Oh and no dice with chemical shells: We were promised nukes. Nukes or it didn't happen.

*If you heard different, then you heard wrong, end of story.*

*...and installed democratic elections in both countries*

But do you win the wars?

I think you mean Malaysia, not the Phillippines.

Uh huh. And were hearts or minds, in fact, won in those wars?

*They don't go after hardened targets cause that would be stupid.*