You Mincing Ninny

Forsooth. Point overall remains: These guys can make something for $100 that will be about 8/10ths as effective as any of this $1 million-per-soldier 'cyber warrior' kit.

I had a certain opinion about performance art before this.

Is it simply impossible to write this sort of journey-to-utopia/alternative society story without having many Mary Sues and much, *much* monologging?

How deliciously ironic: "404: Path not found."

"...reflects a profound ignorance that profits nobody."

Well, remember that their reconstitute-after-bankruptcy scheme wasn't quite the same as a normal company's bankruptcy plan: Rather it was a sort of quixotic/pompous/extortionate, "Yes, we screwed up. BUT if you guys out there in Internetlandia, care about the future of Bitcoin at all, you'll help recapitalize us *de

1.) Thrilling.

I know. If you're going to imagine an evil paradise, at least make it a *really interesting* evil paradise.

*Space Battleship Yamato*

Watching random footage of spring break kids makes me 1% more understanding of celibacy each second that passes.


The Appalling Meadow State.

Well, the lesson of the past 20-odd years of this shit is that the church keeps records of *everything*. Including the cover-ups themselves. And that the best way to get ahold of those records is with good, old-fashioned subpoenae or, in some cases, search warrants.

No, I'm pretty sure the abusers can simply be turned over to police. Why let the church investigate itself when the police could do it so much more thoroughly and with so much less conflict of interest?

And the eagle flies . . . with the dove . . .

I do *who* I love, is that sort of the same thing?

Why is this list only 10 items? Why isn't it hundreds and hundreds of films, video games and fantasy novels?

Just no way out of the giant 8-ball you're in, is there?

And yet, here we are, 13 years deep in a literal Land War in Asia . . .

No it isn't.