You Mincing Ninny

Pretty much, yeah. Contrariwise, I'm pretty sure that the bigger military you have, the more wars you find yourself fighting. Y'know, in the vein of if-all-you-have-is-a-hammer . . .

Sorry, meant to say we haven't used them against *other planes*. Which would be the only even remotely justifiable reason for why we would ever need pilots like this.

FWIU, cremation is usually way cheaper than a plot, casket, embalming and hearse-and-funeral-home rental.

Fair enough. But so do I and so does everyone else making a wage. To pay for a thing that, by your own admission, has nothing to do with national security.

Terrific: Pay for it yourself.

100% of the people I know (and me too, for that matter) want to get cremated. This is such a generational thing, possibly also having to do with changes (or decline) in religious attitudes (heck, the Catholic Church now says cremation is actually okay). It'll be interesting for far-future archaeologists to figure out:

Last manned aircraft-to-aircraft fight we fought was 1999. The term you're looking for is not 'badass' but rather 'risibly obsolete'.

I resent paying for this. And no, DON'T try to macho lectureshame me about 'national security', because there's nothing about our 'security' that requires this.

I actually use the NTIS sometimes for work (aerospace stuff). Some of what they offer is online for free elsewhere. But a fair amount isn't. I for one would be fine if they closed it down—lots of what they offer is available only in *microform* fer petessake—if they first made a concerted effort to scan everything and

Xbox Two will be a glowing green chair. On the seat, an curving oblong silver rod will protrude upwards. The rod will serve in place of both monitor and controller. You will not need to use your hands, though you will need to lower your pants before, um, activating the system.

Anyone remember ol' Stonekeep? Reminds me of that.

What an unbelievably depressing thing to give a moment's thought to. We're beyond First World Problems here: This is barely 0.08th World Problems.

Marching song of the clone troopers . . .

What the hell, Augusta, South Carolina?

The same thing that would make them 500% better: Smoking bans.

Seeing that picture, I can think of nothing but the potential smell of the place.

I hate VR and Glass equally and intensely.

Seriously, though: The people who are into this, the people who are into the Oculus and the people who are into Google Glass are all going to wake up one day with a throbbing pain in their temple and no memory of the past 12 hours to find they've been drugged and transported to a small jungle island studded with

BWAHAHANo. Pretty sure that video game VR remains, quite firmly and permanently, a joke.

Y'see, you clearly think what you're saying is *funny* when it fact it is actually *true*. Most games are terrible. And I'm not talking about Disney Horse Adventure—I mean Skyrim and Watch Dogs and Titanfall. Because really, if I were to kidnap 10 random game developers and shackle them to the floor of a room,