You Mincing Ninny

Given our seeming inability to NOT murder an innocent Afghan family every time we bomb some terrorists, I'd say the IQ of smart bombs has been highly overrated.

Hell, Iran does this in spades.

So, here's a thing: Why are we doing all this Pacific military redeployment? 'Cause it seems to me that there's every indication that China's military works like this too. Their cruise missiles are actually oversize Estes models, the controls of their planes are actually secondhand, original-XBox controllers, and

Man, the entire idea in TV and films of 'profiling' murderers has done more damage than we'll ever know.

*...I just forego the mic and pretend online is just single player with better AI.*

Mmm. Said this before, was roundly criticized, am saying it again: Want to look like a tool of great size and toolishness? Wear a headset while doing anything OTHER than piloting an aircraft.

Thread image: Yay! Someone else actually noticed and played Heavenly Sword! I didn't just dream that game!

Okay here's another thought: Will DS games ever appear on the WiiShop? Or will that, too, have to wait for Wiiu?

It's visually pretty and it'll incorporate a lot of MMO features is all I've heard. That and it will be cross-playable on Wii and Wiiu. That's all the info I have.

So, any idea if the firming-up of WiiU's schematics and release date will cause Nintendo and/or developers to really put the strangle on anything else for Wii?

I 49 percent believe this story.

Next-gen gaming computers will have a dollar (or RMB) slot. It'll be like a vending machine.

I was scared off from playing any of the Metro games after reading a review somewhere that said the game was broken: That you could shoot and shoot and shoot and have almost no effect on your adversaries—that is, that even minor foes seemed to need 500 rounds in them to die—and that this mechanic, plus the fact that

Verily. In sci-fi novels, no matter how clumsy it may seem, I really prefer that there be an up-front infodump to let me in on the book's main conceit (i.e. "In the year 2020, a law was passed requiring that all adults get a tracking implant" blah blah blah) rather than trying to let it 'come out naturally' through

Whoa now. JRPGs live. It's just Level 5 now does them better than Square Enix.

I have *never* really known what's going on in a JRPG.

Oh and something else: Developers of RPGs, heed my words: You cannot devise an interesting new 'battle system'. I know you think you can but you can't. There were a limited number of possible improvements and creative avenues in battle systems but it's late days now and they have ALL been used up and will never be

I'm militantly opposed to the new all-movies-must-now-be-at-least-2-hours-long regime. And I have a thought that RPG developers are not only very much in the opposite camp from me, they make their games as long and slow as they are because they wish movies could be much, much LONGER. These are guys who think the

Maybe more like "Too bad a small group of people with no sense of humor are extremely vocal about it."