You Mincing Ninny

I wasn't expecting nudity. I just think it's a hilarious concept. I can't wait to get my pack (I contributed enough to get the limited-ed foil cards, too). I go to a board game club every so often and I can't wait to show up one night and say, "Heeeeey guys: Look what *I* brought!"

Big yes on 1, 2, 4 and 5.

They could overcome the problem by randomly assigning avatars and stats to everyone, such that the odds of survival are:

So, who else here has contributed money to the Tentacle Bento in-house kickstarter project?

I only like Mexican soda pop—like Jarritos or Goya. It's made with actual cane sugar so it tastes better, leaves no aftertaste (unlike the 'gummy' feeling left behind by American pop), comes in actual human-scale bottles (i.e. 8 or 12 oz. rather than brobdignagian abysses of 64 oz.) and also is available in

Oh and plus: In Shadowrun, you can buy a complete, top-level rewiring of your nervous system such that you get +3d6+3 on your Initiative for 110,000 nuyen.

Cash, kill, same diff.

If you have 110 million dollars lying around, I can imagine worse uses than 10 years of sex with Zhang Ziyi. A corrupt *American* government official would probably spend that on landscaping his suburban starter mansion and buying cars with which to become stuck in traffic and suits in which to sweat in the

*Zhang Ziyi Accused of Having Sex With Government Officials for Cash*

Mmm, sorta. An Ares handgun was like 450 nuyen, which is about what one costs in our world ($450-500):

Um, no. Sticking to my guns here: If I remember correctly, a medium-high deck in Shadowrun—a Cyberlight 6, I believe; I long since traded away my books—with a pretty good load-out could run you 50,000 nuyen, easy.

That sounds pretty cool. Reminds me a bit of the Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex bits where Kusanagi 'hacks' someone's eyes or body in order to spy on or control them. I have some issues with GitS:SAC but that particular aspect always came across as really cool to me. Maybe I'll have to dig into this whole

Riggers could be fun because at least they operated in the real world. Plus, it was really possible to 'break' Shadowrun by running like 6 drones, each with an LMG. A rigger could replace *several* street samurai in that case.

Mmm, that doesn't exactly solve the problem. The issue was that both the Matrix and Astral Space were sort of "Realms of Meh" both because it ground all action in the real world to a halt AND they also were not interesting places to learn about or go. It was possible to be scared of monsters or guards or gangsters in

You: The use of a manmade tool depends not on the device itself - but it depends entirely on the man/woman using it.

No, I think 4:34 is more than sufficient. If a modern person believes ONLY 4:34 but also believes female education is great, what does that make them? Answer: A SHITTY PERSON.

I only played 4E Shadowrun two times, but I remember there were still clunky 'system maps' and our decker having to tiresomely move from node to node, 'defeating' the software in each one. The rest of us basically got the privilege of sitting on our hands during this whole thing (same problem with Astral Space for

*This has as much to do with Islam, as that NC pastor relates to Christianity and his vision for encircling the gays in an electric fence.*

Sorry. So rude of me to know people by their fruits and not by their obscure texts.

I prefer awesome f*cking, myself.