Bro you don’t even get it. Get a girlfriend? Bro you have to deny them your essence and protect your vital bodily fluids
Bro you don’t even get it. Get a girlfriend? Bro you have to deny them your essence and protect your vital bodily fluids
Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert immediately spring to mind, as does Pandemic.
Disagree, the first three movies are about Andy’s toys; its lucky there are any female characters at all given the contents of the average young boy’s bedroom. By the time the shorts come around, they are Bonnie’s toys, and the there are leading female protagonists. Trying to shoehorn girl characters into a story…
On Thursday evening, Jon Stewart said goodbye to his loyal, leftie viewers.
The first 25+ minutes of tonight’s final Daily Show with Jon Stewart featured the full gallery of correspondents…
I’ve been an actress since age 13. You might be familiar with me from the TV show Neighbours, or from my current…
Yeah, I think that'd go all Kiss Player-y real fast. Ew.
Y'know how Powerglide and Moonracer met up during "The Search For Alpha Trion"? I get the feeling from your third pic she pulled him aside at some point and introduced him to Powerglide Junior.
Devastator's full form is pretty awesome. However the individual bots kinda.. are... meh? Scrapper for example, has no elbows. You'd think they'd be able to put in a ball joint in there for a Titan Class combiner.
The problem is I have a MakeToys Green Giant, the 3rd party Devastator, and.. well.. here.
The biggest silver lining to all of this is Arby's reaction:
Thanks for the new shopping list! Although my wife definitely won't thank you . . .
Intimidator will likely stay on my self as my "Menasor" but I'm still gonna pick up the Combiner Wars as it has a weird kind of charm to it despite the flaws.
The only thing harder than trying to convince my parents to buy me a toy robot when I was a kid? Trying to convince…
I think we all know the answer is because they are terrible people. I know that some people, especially when they are teens, think it's funny to piss lots of people off. It's not. They're just making the world a little worse.
You know what else would stop attacks like this? People not being dicks. Or said dicks finding something else better to do with their time.
This is like someone breaking into an art gallery and then, when ordinary people can't go to the gallery for 2 months because it's being repaired, claiming they just did it "to show that the owners should invest in some better security".
For a long time, this was all just some fun daily gossip to distract us from all the horrible things happening in the world. I don't know anyone who said, "Well, now that I know how Channing Tatum handles his emails, perhaps it's time to start taking North Korea more seriously as a global power." So the hackers…