
They already re-did Metroplex:

I agree. That there looks like either the Takara version, or I think maybe we got one similar to that in a multi-figure set? The stand alone US version was colored much differently, but still good. Not a figure I've reviewed (yet), so I don't have any good photos of him by himself handy, but I do have this:

You mean die cast metal, from which the paint chips off oh so easily, and which when used in figures that have any possibility (and aren't the almost motionless bricks most G1 figures were) often can lead to the joints weakening much more quickly and the figure being unable to support its own weight? Yes! Of course,

Or orange, if memory serves. (I think G2 Devy came in a few different color options.) That being said, he will always be green to me!

Hmm.... The edit button is missing... Perhaps it has been too long since when I made the initial comment? Anyway, that was supposed to be, "he is now a Legends class figure," not, "he is not a Legends class figure." Apologies for any confusion.

I have that Metroplex myself, and he is awesome. And I'd love a Trypticon to face off against him.

The reason is that Hasbro didn't want to put all of Superion or all of Menasor in one wave, so that (a) a wave wouldn't be all one faction, (b) they could highlight the "Scramble City" style functionality of limbs to work with any torso, and (c) they could force people to have to buy toys from multiple waves, even if

I've seen that video before... but it is still just as awesome today!

I agree I'd prefer Groove to be a limb, but at least unlike the replaced limbs in Superion and Menasor, he's still around. As Argh pointed out, he is not a Legends class figure who forms Defensor's chest shield. Eh, not ideal, but I'll take it.

Eh... While that was a surprisingly decent reuse of the Jazz mold (Wheelie from Jazz? Who'd have thunk it?) I'd have to say I still prefer the Legends version:

How's this for Movie-era figures?

My general rule of thumb is if an official Hasbro or Takara version of a toy exists, or is announced to be coming out soon, that is the version of the toy I will have. Or, if I already have a third party version and an official one comes out that looks better (such as was the case with Springer) then, why not have

I'm sorry, as a 37 year old person who enjoys his chocolate milk and has no trouble digesting it, I am not about to stop drinking it.

I must say, that is the first bit to come out concerning Stewart's impending departure to make me smile.

To really show off the difference on Bruticus, here's a split screen image I once made of the before & after:

Well, to each their own, I suppose. Personally, I'll be happy with the official Arcee, and even shilling out for the Takara version for the vastly superior deco (something I rarely do, but on Arcee it seemed worth it) I'll have only spent half as much on her.

To me, it is probably a toss up between Five Guys and Jake's Wayback Burgers. They both have their appeal, I suppose, so it is nice to have options.

Me, I usually prefer playing with female characters. RPGs with interchangeable party members, I put as many females in the party as I can. Any games where you create the main character, if female is an option, I go with it. Part of me thinks it is so I can have something nice to look at as I play... but I've been

You're welcome / my condolences! Just know, if you do get any of those 1/60 scale Macross Valkyries, that some of the earlier releases had fragile shoulders... If you're buying a more recent release, though, you should be fine.

Man, I loved Jetfire as a kid! I'd love to have a vintage one, but I think the closest I shall get is my Bandai Macross VF-1S, like you without the FAST pack.