Yes. Wave 2 will be mostly Stunticons, and the last Arialbot limb. Speculation is that Hasbro wanted to make sure people would be interested in both waves.
I love me some third party toys myself, but I try to restrict it to characters Hasbro hasn't yet covered (or seems likely to soon be covering). Or, in rare cases where Hasbro's offering is a huge miss, like the "Classics Devastator" that was just a repaint of the Energon Constructicons, and really didn't suit being…
Metal on Transformers is overrated. You only need to look as far as the Transformers Titanium line to see that. Most of them had simplistic transformations, weren't incredibly poseable, and the joints they did have were often weak for their weight. Also, they often easially fall prey to paint chipping.
I'll hopefully at least have all of those molds, eventually, if the rumored Autobot repaints of the limbs comes to pass. I really just don't think they work for the Stunticons and Menasor. Maybe if the Fansproject versions hadn't come first, I'd feel differently. I guess I may have been spoiled by them!
Meh, never cared for TFC's combiners. I actually like what Hasbro's done with Superion, better. And I look forward to their rumored Defensor. And I think Maketoys won the third party Devestator battle.
Yeah, I am looking forward to getting my hands on these Arialbots myself. I'll even pick up the new guy (the helicopter) although I hope eventually Hasbro repaints one of the existing jets or something to make the missing original member. (I seem to recall that a third party company is also trying to fill that gap,…
I'm not going to stop enjoying Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Not to belittle what he did, which is horrible, but that was Stephen Collins who did that, not Will Decker.
Yay! I won! I won!
Also, while I hate to be so picky, Kirk said that in one of the films, but the image of the Enterprise on the shirt is from the TV series.
Even as someone who is not at all into sports, I found this was an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing it!
ESPN's statement would hold a lot more weight if it elaborated upon what the reason was then. Not following his account, has there been anything else on it recently that could be taken as in any way objectionable to ESPN's interests?
I don't follow sports... but here is my question. Is the Twitter account Keith Law is using a business one provided by ESPN, or a personal one? (And if Law only has one that he uses for both, why would anyone, who might need a separation of business and personal interests, do that?)
I fear I only just discovered this story, and don't have the desire to wade through the (at the time of this writing) 920 already existing comments... So if this has been said by someone else, forgive the repetition.
The phrase is universal. The issue, of course, is that in the world of text based communications, we loose important tonal cues such as inflection, or facial expression / body language of the person who is "speaking." Your post could have been read in one of two ways, straight or sarcastic.
Can't tell if you are being serious or sarcastic, since some of the characters you posted do have some visual similarity... Yet, even in those cases, you have proved they don't make 'em like they used to, because even with the similarity, I can tell them all apart very easily and see them as quite visually distinct…
I really need to see that one one of these days! I was excited when Right Stuf licensed it, but I just haven't been in a position to be able to pick it up yet.