Yo, Stapler!

that article you linked to doesn't even make any goddamn sense. I can't possibly understand why she would write it, or what purpose it serves.

Cedar point had an accident yesterday, but the park has been open for over 100 years and has never had a death on a ride, ever. I used to work there and it is very safe. You'll be hella fine.

Me :(

I certainly second the diverse fairies. I loved fairies as a kid (and mermaids).

HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE. I actually gasped when I saw who wrote this article, as I LOVE Jenna's contributions to Jezebel. I read most of this article with sadness.

Nooooo! You can't leave!!!

If nothing else, this is incredibly timely.

The atheist narrative that all religion=Christianity is sooooooo annoying. It mostly seems as a reaction from people who were raised Christian and then became atheist. People I know who are raised in apathetic households who are now atheist as adults seem to have a better understanding of world religion, rather than

The most destructive institution in the world right now, I would argue, is global capitalism and consumerism as it's understood. Some religions may deny that the planet is heating up, but it wasn't religion that caused it to heat up in the first place.

Nationalism's a phenomenally dogmatic ideology, and more responsible than that actual religion is in the deaths of the world wars and genocides of the 20th & 21st centuries. Marxism is known for its demand of exclusive ideological loyalty, and communist states and their explicit forbiddance of religion are considered

I'm not saying that this article isn't called for, but I would also ADORE it if someone wrote an article entitled "How to be Religious Without Being a Dick".

In addition to robbing sweet young girls who've been sexually molested of the thing that helps them recover, there's a lot of neocolonialism in the anti-religious atheism. "Religion" is not just the Catholic Church, or Christianity, or even the 5 major world religions. Religion includes the faiths of different Native

I think there’s a difference between atheists and Internet Atheists. IAs are, it seems to me, mostly young white men just aching to be oppressed by something.

Remember everyone...what do we say to trolls?

Serving on this jury has been a highly emotional and physically draining experience for all of us.

Translation: We have similar views that Juror B37 has but we're not dumb enough to go on live television and express our beliefs. Instead, we will publicly denounce and reject everything juror b37 has said and encourage the American people not to associate us with her.

I think the main evidence in favour of Martin was that he was shot! I think Zimmerman needed some very compelling evidence to show that the shooting was warranted, given the admitted facts (he came armed, he didn't want Martin to get away, he pursued Martin, he thought Martin was a criminal...). I don't think that

There's not no evidence, though. There's the pathologist's evidence, there's Zimmerman's evidence, there's the 311 call logs, there's Matin's friend's evidence...there's heaps of evidence. We can use it to piece together what happened.

Ahhh, that explains it. I read the books so long ago I'd forgotten that little detail and the first time I saw this poster, in a smaller size, I had a small WTF moment when looking at her mouth because I couldn't tell they were filed to a point, they just looked really odd.

The idea of a ghost shark would have scared the shit out of an 8-year-old me.