Well, if a child is so medicated, the teacher would likely be aware. Again, accommodations can be made for special circumstances.
Well, if a child is so medicated, the teacher would likely be aware. Again, accommodations can be made for special circumstances.
Like I said, provide an opportunity for students to perform another assignment and discretely be absent from any class discussions.
While I would argue that is not entirely true, that was not my point.
Or, you know, this could be their chance to express their emotions and work through things. Teenagers are not delicate little flowers and if you treat them like they are they will necer grow up.
Being a teenager is not hard; it's just that there is a first time for everything.
I, for one, am shocked that this has become a law. How dare the great state of Wisconsin enact any type of consequence for poor parenting? In America, we raise our kids however we want. I mean, just the other day, i read about one proud father putting his hopes and dreams of Nazism into his son- he even named the…
Waaahhh! Rules are for squares, man! People who try to enforce rules are stupid. They shouldn't be allowed to try and enforce their rules cause I don't like the rules. Waaaah. Waaaaah. Waaaaaah.
Hugo Schwyzer:
Perhaps this is the gender identity test we are looking for:
I'm pretty sure action movies are to blame for this.
That is a very common way to describe small outbreaks of diseases. it's not a pun and you should know better.
I want to automate so badly, but I can't get past the price. Even the lights modules cost $50 bucks.
Cooking is definitely cheaper, and if your reading this, you have some sort of access to the internet which means you can learn how to cook.
Meh- they missed the biggest issue- Blake Lively was terrible. If you edited her out almost completely, the movie would be 300% better.
I will add that not having study guides is an entirely different complaint, and at the college level, perhaps rectified with the statement: I expect you to be prepared every class and to always be ready to take a test. Then give them an entry or exit quiz every lecture. You don't even have to fully grade them, just…
Rubrics are a pretty standard feature for teachers and considered lacking in higher education. I would suggest you test them out. I think your students are merely trying to clarify expectations, which is not always bad.
I think this is not an example of whichever lobbiest yells the loudest. For one, Facebook initially did not listen. And two, we should not pretend like all lobbying is bad. I think it's safe to say that this lobbying had a good result.
The issue is the content was reported and them Facebook responded saying they wern't going to delete it because it didn't violate their policy.
No, it is "No Child Left Behind" and the modern parent that gives their children study guides and rubrics. Google the mathematician's backlash to the Common Core Standards- they want procedures taught in high school so they are prepared to do college math without a calculator, and they assume critical thinking will be…