College classes are mostly a joke too, and I went to a good school. AP classes teach you to write if you have a good teacher because they require writing. If your AP teacher didn't teach you how to make revisions, then they weren't doing their job.
College classes are mostly a joke too, and I went to a good school. AP classes teach you to write if you have a good teacher because they require writing. If your AP teacher didn't teach you how to make revisions, then they weren't doing their job.
This is a great comment to parents and schools.
Considering the cost of colleges, AP exams aren't such a bad deal. Further, if all you try to do is cram your students heads with information, they won't pass the exams.
As an intern you are unlikely to be the go-to point person for the boss on gossipy information. The article directly tells you to be nosy when you have no right to be.
I'm not saying they shouldn't protest. They went beyond protesting.
You should never gossip unless you want to be viewed as a fool. You should listen to gossip, learn from gossip (it's not all rooted in evil- some employees do suck), but you should always, always be above saying a bad word or forming a strong opinion.
I think it's clear we have to agree to disagree. Quotes from Pussy Riot themselves encouraged authorities to prosecute them harshly. They once broke into a shop and publicly masturbated. They got what they wanted- to be martyrs. Let them be martyrs.
Here is a good article on how they did break the law then and did worse prior. They engendered no public support and definitely tried to act like hooligans.
They clearly did break a law. In America we call it disorderly conduct- in Russia it's called hooliganism. They were also trespassing, since they weren't there for appropriate reasons. Since they planned to stage a protest and film a music video, had a church or company pressed the police, they would have been…
They are idealistic youths- whether they admit it or not, they believe themselves to be martyrs.
America has a disorderly conduct law which is equivolent to what they broke. But, they broke into a church to stage a protest- guaranteed illegal in every country.
It's an extreme over-reaction. But, what would the average Russian think would happen if they did what Pussy Riot did? Does the average Russian think the actions of Pussy Riot changed anything? Would they have expected it to change anything?
So I just want to point out that in my original post I said the punishment didn't fit the crime. However, I guess I just don't think we should treat them like martyrs. They aren't martyrs- they are mostly just young and foolish for thinking that Russian authorities were going to bow to pressure or treat them fairly.
While I don't blame people for dating each other- its only natural, the older I have gotten the more I see the damage it can cause and how unprofessional it is.
He's saying he is the all-powerful President and she is Congress. I was actually impressed he was able to get his point across so well. Sad. Scary. But impressive.
Somewhere, three IRS agents just jizzed their pants.
They didn't peacefully protest. They broke into a church and conducted a concert. If you don't think that could cause damage or most likely did, then I don't know what to tell you.
I would argue that they didn't really affect the status quo and that dancing in a church is unlikely to change anyone's minds or accomplish anything more than a bit of taboo fun. Do most people in Russia even care that they are in jail? Certainly the people in power do not.
Speaking out wasn't disgusting- in fact, I wouldn't call the crime they committed disgusting. That's silly. But they did break into a church and play a concert- practically the dictionary example of hooliganism and something we would expect to be illegal in most countries. For sure their punishment doesn't fit the…
No, they for sure don't deserve to be treated that way. You wouldn't be sent to 3 years in prison for this crime in the U.S., and we have a terrible criminal justice system. But, you'd still be rightly arrested.