Yngvildr the Voracious

Well, I get that she was harder to masturbate to. Those poor guys must have been so distressed

dumbest thing I’ve ever done in HotS? Probably sometime in my first dozen or so matches against real people ever played, pinging Abathur for hiding in a bush doing “nothing”

Gotta start using this more often..

I love how the mages in this game are all :

“Fuck this shit. Nerf mages.”

If I believed in a god, I would pray to it and ask that Dana White buys all E-SPorts and makes them all wear REEBOK PUMPs

I started playing League of Legends in about January of 2013. Within a few months I watched a professional game for the first time. The series was Fnatic against Gambit in the Spring finals. I was amazed that series watching Peke play Ahri. He would split push and always dash and charm his way out of any situation.

It's things like this that make me truly appreciate the value of PC gaming.

On a funny side note, a couple of people I know watched the video posted and got really excited thinking it was a game like Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous and got into the idea of playing the game. I had to warn them that it was not in fact a space fighting game and was basically just a lot of micromanaging

Did you ever stop to think that he may have not said gamergame because he doesn't commit the fallacy of conflating harrasment and gamergate

Or how to test a game: Suicide into everything possible and make sure your deaths aren't glitchy.

The cover also works for the other main story: 'How to become a video game tester'.

There are many ways in hell many people spent today doing just that :(

There is no way in hell that anyone could possibly believe that Blizzard purposely turned black characters into white ones.

Now playing

In case nobody gets the reference, here you go:

Fuck that. With the exception of RTS and a few games that I force myself to play due to story reasons ( witcher 1 and DAO) I refuse to use a KB/m for gaming. I like PC gaming. I like the superior graphics, (usually) higher frame rates, lower prices (again usually) and mods. What I hate is the inferior control scheme