Yngvildr the Voracious

Yall had me at seasoning lesson.

As a French person, this whole article gave me chills.
We do say “L’Action RPG Ultime” but it shouldn’t be on this jacket. Game localisation is very strict because if you do it badly, you could be barred from the Canadian market that has way more strict rules when it comes to loan words than France and

This is the reason why, as a genderfluid femme, I’m still more afraid of black men than white men. White men is a threat I learned to handle. Black men are everywhere in my personal sphere and they are potentially even more mysogynistic than white men who most of the time try to score the good guys flags by being

“Right in front of my salad?”

That would be the French 97 elections in the Assemblée Nationale. The right wing president had dismissed it through a Constitution quirk and for some reason the citizens massively voted for his rivals and he had to appoint a left wing Prime Minister (Lionel Jospin). I was six or so, but I liked Jospin because he had

Simultaneously best and worst: the days after our clever half ogre died in a home made med-fan game. He was a bit of a con and slightly chaotic good who got along well and was the cement of the group until he died heroically in battle.

The first time I had heard of randoseru in high school, I wanted one instantly. I am still saving my pocket money for it.

The bike is an Aprilia RS4 125 with custom decals designed to make the motorcycle look like the Normandy SR-2, one of the Mass Effect starships.

Actually, I saw this DAI bug pretty often, albeit at a slower speed. It made loot unacessible because I had time to kill him but he had left an even ground to find his last place of rest on a cliff that was a few degrees short from being perpendicular to the ground.

This is perfect because it adresses to all bullies and assholes, not those that hide behind Gamer Gate.

The title's pun is black humour made art : mass murder or huge commercial sucess of the PlayStation...

I'm not into mpreg unless a ship of mine is involved and magic and/or sci-fi are involved, but I do remember being psyched up by a Schwarzy movie about it as a child.

When speaking in my mother tongue (French), I tend to speak with a light southern accent when I'm stressed. I'm from a town near Paris and only went twice or so in the south and almost exclusively in summer camps with youth from my hometown so I'm starting to wonder if it's related to FAS, even though it seems to be a

I tipped the guy (I tip everyone. Must be the nice change of being rich in a virtual world) AND I still saw Ghost Girl.

I know exactly what you are talking about because it infuriates me too.

Period = Sex

Ithink it's pretty much the reason why I roll a Draken instead of a Cassian or Mechari. The animations are really cartoonesque. The Mechari chick looks like she runs on her toes... Well, she's high heeled and fit like a wasp, but she's a robot so I don't really blame them for this. At least my Draken tail is all I

OMFG ?! Is that date legit ? You're making my heart bump loudly in my chest I think the whole office can hear it. I think I might call sick and go back home for what's left of my poor body !

"That's what I get for wearing a dress"