I don't think so. Maybe I'm defensive given my strong pro-bush worldview (not to be confused with a pro-Bush worldview), but I think this is meant to be ironic and will only serve to increase disdain for the the bush among today's youth.
I don't think so. Maybe I'm defensive given my strong pro-bush worldview (not to be confused with a pro-Bush worldview), but I think this is meant to be ironic and will only serve to increase disdain for the the bush among today's youth.
I'm not saying that American Apparel had any honorable intentions here, but maybe this will help re-normalize bush? It wouldn't be the first time that AA styling has seeped into popular culture.
I hate it when I find out I don't exist. :(
You mean Jack Nicholson who hosted Roman Polanski's photo shoot and rape of a 14 year old girl is a pervert!?
I am a man and you can pry my cat off of my cold dead belly, where he likes to sleep.
"When I first found out I'd got Finnick I went on the internet to see people's reactions. "
Why did no one stop him?
Dont take it down! Leave the doll up as bait and arrest anyone who buys the damn thing. Seriously if you want to bang that youre a problem.
I'll just let Frank Pembleton field this one.
I definitely get what you're saying. I hunt and fish, but it is a very serious thing to take the life of another living creature. I mostly keep a plant-based diet (I don't feel like I have the right to call myself vegan or vegetarian anymore- I was strict vegan for 7 years and veg for 9), except for those times that I…
A deer once murdered my entire family and I strangled the last breath out of it with my bare hands.
Reason #8923759283 why I should never have children. I am a perennially stressed person.
This makes sense. When I get really stressed, I can become a total asshole. But I just have a cat. And she doesn't really give a fuck.
"Translation: mothers are stressed because they feel like they're aren't getting the help they need, whereas fathers are stressed because they feel like they aren't getting the blow jobs they need."
As someone who is named Diana, I would just like to say:
Shhhhh.....don't give the APA any ideas...they'll add "being a jerk" as the 11,294,088th diagnosis in the DSM....and then they'll make a drug for it...
As a man I plan on wearing a feminine top, tailored skirt, and leg-lengthening heels. If I don't get a job then I'm suing UC Irvine.
The episodes with Felicia Day are like my favorite. At first I was so happy they made her a lesbian, because yay for things like that, but then I was super bummed because I kind of wanted her and one of the boys to be a thing.
I have not seen this written, but do we know if the child was harmed in any way physically?