I gave birth once. Never again. Getting an episiotomy without anesthesia was the exact opposite of “magical”, lol.
I gave birth once, and there was nothing mundane or ordinary about it. It was the most incredible experience of my life. It was magical.
MAN: the gods have blessed you with baby magic and makes the baby again, the gods are good to us
I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder
The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.
“I’m a member of the privileged majority of this profession (not female) benefiting from sexism and sighed for at least the ten minutes it took me to read this piece. I would be completely deflated for sighing so long should I have not been full of hot air in the first place. I am taking one person’s chronicled…
“It’s random, and I’m going to write you fucking War and Peace to explain why your personal experience/research/peer-reviewed study doesn’t prove anything!”
So you think because there are women in the industry that they also can’t be biased towards men? Sorry, dude, you’re sadly, sadly mistaken.
Dude, you do realize that women have structural bias too, right? Misogyny isn’t just for men. If it were it would be much easier to eradicate. Additionally, there’s a fuck ton of evidence to suggest publishing is a highly gendered sport.
Just because the publishing industry is heavily female, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be deeply sexist when it comes to their impressions of male versus female writing, and what will sell.
“Certainly, structural sexism exists in ______, but you’re overstating it”
On the other end of that spectrum there’s my one friend who declares proudly and often that he’s “a feisty black woman trapped inside a gay white man’s body.” You know what, sunshine? She’d have gotten out years ago. Just shut up.
It’s lying. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner never claimed to be anything she isn’t. She’d be lying if she said she was biologically female, which she hasn't.
If Rachel has always felt like a white woman trapped in a black woman’s body, is it for us to say that she’s “lying”?
If Rachel has always felt like a white woman trapped in a black woman’s body, is it for us to say that she’s “lying”?
Medically speaking, the fact that the premature infant (not technically a fetus) was alive for a few minutes after birth is unsurprising and shouldn’t make this more criminal than any other late term abortion. At 5.5 months, the heart is well-developed; the lungs, not so much. This delivery would only have been viable…
NORTHERN Irish Bakery. Different country. The Republic would like to be very clear on that.