What did you hear that wasn’t rational or thoughtful?
What did you hear that wasn’t rational or thoughtful?
I feel really stupid pointing this out—hopefully anyone with two brain cells won’t take the tweets literally—but both of these people, including the Pulitzer Prize winning novelist who has written over 500 books, are joking. They’re having a bit o’ fun. This is not the end of Western civilization, though a lot else on…
Whoa. Disturbing, but kinda cool if you’re a history nerd. :)
He’s backing what he sees as freedom of speech; it’s pretty clear he does not agree with bigotry.
I used to chew the shoes.
You know what I think of when I see graphic scenes of rape and torture in TV? I think of this scene in Supernatural and how effective it was. Devastating and without any violence or even real description. Sam is a good enough actor that he could have pulled something like that off.
Yeah people keep telling me “but this really affects him in the books, and has important implications for his character etc etc.” Who cares? This is a show, not a book, and it’s the SEASON FINALE. A season finale which spent nearly its entirety focusing on lengthy, gratuitous, horrible-to-watch scenes of torture and…
It was truly the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen ok tv or in a movie. It was well acted and supremely disturbing. Jamie simply telling what happened to him would have been enough.
diana gabaldon is a rape fetishist. That woman writes more rape into her books than she writes about Time travel and kilts. I mean I've read ALL the books and it's a common thread that runs throughout them this is just one of many scenes you can expect to look forward to
Yeah, I never read the books but this whole Wentworth Prison story arc was gratuitous and really made me question why I was watching this show. I highly, highly doubt that something this fucked is truly necessary for the story, and if it is necessary for the story then I’m not sure that’s a story I want to watch.
I’ll be honest with you, Kelly - it was painful. I’ve read Diana Gabaldon’s explanation for why it had to be this way, the rule of three, how it made Jamie and Claire’s love so epic and true and it was necessary for the story.
I’ve had dogs and cats all my life. I can’t imagine preferring one over the other. They are both awesome and total assholes in their own way. I do, however, neosporin the hell out of kitty puncture wounds because even if your body can fight off the bacteria, the wound hurts like hell.
I ran a Cat Shelter for twelve years. This infection is very rarely contracted and when it is, it tends to be by people with compromised immune systems.
Okay so you are not in Irish yet you are attacking people who are, you do realize that most Irish people want the law changed. The problem is down to politicians, today the constitution was changed and that is a huge deal, that means that the constitutions can be changed when it comes to abortion rights. Over 60%+ of…
What people are objecting to is that you are shouting your perfectly legitimate anger about an appalling oppressive state of affairs all over a page about a good thing that has happened. We know Ireland’s abortion laws suck. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be happy about equal marriage.
They are, slowly but surely. http://www.thejournal.ie/morning-after-…
Also that vote. Travistey that it was was 23 years ago when most of us were too young to vote. stop blaming us for something we couldn’t control.
Irish people are highly educated and good at languages. We travel worldwide for work because Ireland is a country of 4 million people and the job market is small. Getting experience overseas can make all the difference to your career. Many, many people are abroad but not settled there. Think of them as commuters who…
Can you at least look up your facts before you put a downer on this day, no abortion and birth control are not illegal but abortion is so heavly restricted. You are also ignoring that last night on twitter the top trend in Ireland was about how they need to change the law about abortion and how many actvistist there…