
I don't know... I think "high risk" is pretty accurate for sexual activity. I would be fucking like crazy if I didn't have to worry about STDs, pregnancy, crazy douchebros who don't respect my wants/needs, crazy politicians who don't respect my wants/needs, and shoddily made fucksaws. Navigating through all of that

Yeah, I feel like this article does not acknowledge the fact that this example of people not having sex is different than an individual choosing not to have sex because they are not particularly sexually interested or for whatever other reasons. It's pretty clear that this instance (in Japan) is a symptom of a wider

That's an interesting point. Good for you. I wish I could go without sex, cold turkey, though I probably will stop completely anyways as I get older. I also dislike the fact that it seems like this article, or perhaps the article this article was covering, made it seem like people who are asexual are always cutting

I never understood people's fascination and obsession with sex, or more specifically, to have it. I don't see why it's a mark of pride to have had sex before going to college, or before graduating it, and I don't see why not having sex is such a big deal. I don't see why people (more often men) comment "that dude

Well, I have to admit that I've often thought that the world would be a much happier place if we could all just keep our goddamn pants zipped.

The moment that epitomizes cat behavior is that once he gets the door open, he has no pressing desire to actually leave the room. The dog trots out immediately and the cat sits there, admiring his own evil genius.

OH YEAH - Totally a millennial thing. This is the first time in the history of, maybe ever, where parents have coddled their children. AMIRITE?

I'm a millenial, and when my father got divorced he couldn't clean, cook or do his own laundry because he didn't know how. But millenials are the WORST, amirite? They're clearly the only ones who don't know how to do this stuff.

I'm all for bringing back mandatory Home Ec, but it should be taught in late high school, not in eighth grade like when I took it.

Ugh, why do they all make this face? You're a grown-ass man, make a grown-ass man face, dammit.

Lashes for days.

Ugh, this. Slate is virtually unreadable with the site redesign and that's probably a good thing, because it means I'm less likely to succumb to hate-reading this garbage. Really the Amandas are the only Double X contributors worth reading. Katie Roiphe is on the payroll for fuck's sake.

I'm so goddamn sick of Slate's clickbait trolling. I swear to God, they come up with their story budget by making a list of things every reasonable person agrees on and inserting the word "not."

I wouldn't do it anymore at that age. I've generally let my cats decide for themselves. I've got an indoor cat, an indoor/outdoor cat (who's been staying in longer and longer as she gets older), and an outdoor cat and they're all pretty happy and well-adjusted in their various milieus.

Well I do wonder though, if given the choice, if a cat would prefer to live 10-12 years as an outdoor kitty chasing mice and having a grand old time, or 12-16 years as an indoor kitty chasing boring toys and staring out the window. I honestly don't know the answer.

I think that either way works depending on situation. For myself I wouldn't keep a cat if I lived somewhere that required me to keep it inside all the time. It would be considered very cruel here ( In Ireland and the UK many shelters will not re home a cat with and owner who won't let it outside.)

I have my own feelings about this topic, but I am going to keep them to myself and hang out down here so I can watch this inevitably blow up

I would LOVE for my cat to be an outdoor cat. I grew up with outdoor cats, and I feel they had better lives. God only knows what they got up to out there, but it had to be more interesting than sitting at home staring out the window all day. But since my cat has been indoor only since I got him four years ago, I just

What makes you think I like The Notebook?

the boondock saints is THE shit, you mean.

and the notebook sucks :/

just look at baby Norman's O'face. so cute.