
The only thing that can stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun. Arm all toddlers!

Well of course, it’d be silly to think that you could add muscle drinking Kool-Aid.

Issue #1? Doing leg presses instead of squats.... but i did dig this post. Nice work, Ben.

Hotels don’t verify. If you ask to be next to someone they accommodate if they can.

few key points to work through here:

This is so blown out of proportion! I had Chipotle LAST week and it was delicious.

Surprised to hear Joey Crawford is now working horizon league games

All these fans came out to see a ref show today.

I feel sorry for you. Naps are one of life’s great joys.

I mean...you are, presumably, clean when you use it, right? I’m not saying that’s justification for NEVER switching, but after every or every other shower seems excessive to me.

I once met an anti-vaxxer who “didn’t believe” in modern medicine or drugs of any kind, refused to vaccinate her 3 kids, etc.

This is what I envision whenever someone talks about doing a home birth.


I wrote some very angry and very murderous things that I don’t want to hit “publish” on. So instead here are some cute animals.

Every time a member at my church goes in for surgery or a medical treatment, the first thing we do is pray for the hands of the doctor, nurses and medical staff. Miracles are worked through their hands, denying the miraculousness of modern medicine is ludacris.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

Should John Cena Run For President?

Armchair internet accountants virtually always forget that a person’s time has value.

I’m always amazed at how many people discount the time and money it takes to keep up a place - even a condo. And that’s before we get into lost capital appreciation and interest paid.

Which is free I guess!! Woohoo!