
I’ll just stick with good old MSG in my gravy. Hasn’t failed me yet.

Eh, fuck that. I’ll wait for a damn chicken sammich if I want. (I don’t)

There are no products that can cleanse the embarrassment that is G/O management

There are no products that can cleanse the embarrassment that is G/O management

Those are all good dogs.

This is a good headline because a lot of people like to stay in the center or try to take the high ground and say “I don’t agree but they have the right to their opinion”

He should probably be wearing a Namath jersey

Watch every press conference. He is always confused because he doesn’t understand anything but football. That is also why he buys that nonsense health shit the quack doctor feeds him.

I think Aikman has been showing more personality on general lately. 

Holy shit. I haven't looked at deadspin on the phone in a while but the number of ads on this post is laughable . The page is like 90% advertisements. 

Floyd is a good dog. 

Yeah, but could he eat 50 eggs in an hour?

I turned my tv on and it was on ESPNews after watching LeBatard earlier in the day. It was on Will Cain. As I am flipping through the guide that dipshit is talking about this and he says without a hint of irony (i’m paraphrasing) “This is simple whataboutism from Kerr. Why do we keep going to him for comments on these

I believe this is what is classified by the white house as “Locker room talk”

How long until they pivot to video?

I mess around on my phone but I use the phone to track my workout and it has a timer for rest between sets. When the timer goes off the phone goes down. 

I’ll always appreciate him because he was the first pitcher to win the Cy Young despite not winning many games thus pissing off all the old baseball people. 

What the hell is Barnett even doing? Why is he diving head long at a guy stood up to knock him up field. The play is dumb and compounded by this egregious head shot.

As a 5'11 person myself I say you are 100% correct.

Somehow beer money sign man wrote a better apology then celebrities with a team of pr people.