
Yo soy fiesta Gronk

You would think someone who appreciates writing in all caps like Drew does would be on board with the yelling.

Damn, that was a good promo. I know it has a lot to do with the fact that he believes what he is saying but still, that was better than almost everything I’ve seen in a while. 

If you think that is one of the worst things about baseball you have a much higher opinion of the MLB than I.

How dare SI try something else to boost its dwindling readership and no longer write only serious sports pieces.

And the type of place that would only hire women as interns and secretaries.

Now playing

That was news to me as well. I mean this is pretty damn likable to me

Just people with threats of violence. Now please excuse me while I threaten to shoot people.

I fucking hate people.

The block on a 3 he had earlier in the year was that. He jumped really high and really far and it would have been awesome even if he missed the ball. 

As someone who rarely bakes I have not yet tried one of Stella’s recipes but I very much enjoy watching her videos and reading the recipes.

Someone got me whiskey stones years ago and they were worthless. Someone else got me those chilling cubes last year (I guess people think I need cold undiluted drinks) and they are actually not bad. Now that I see the prices I think they waaaay overpaid but at least they do what they are supposed to.

You do know that the market and unemployment don’t really give a good picture of the economy right? 47% of people own stock and the top 5 5% own over 60% of all stocks. The market going up does nothing for most Americans.

At least he didn’t throw any furniture this time.

Too soon


Why be a Bill when you can be a William?

He can just come back as a force ghost right?

My boss had it a few years back. He unfortunately wasn’t on the good side and was god very quickly. 

But what about Hope Solo