

That was my first thought

Next stop: Liberty University

Can’t wait for the administration at a school who’s mascot is the Rebel getting mad because the kids didn’t respect the flag.

I am just happy they are even trying things. With sport and baseball in particular any change is met with complaints. If it doesn’t work you can always go back to what you were doing but it is worth trying to make things better.

I also feel that running again as a 79 year old white guy isn’t a plan. It would have been nice if he could have used his profile to have built up some younger people who might have a future instead of putting himself back in the thick of it.

Courtesy of @nick_pants 

I am impressed he could fit this interview into his busy schedule. I would have figured he was too busy harassing some random woman on twitter.

This is a good description. He says dumb shit under the “just asking” guise and people who don’t know any better think he is smart and deep. 

This is a good dog week on Deadspin.

Worst time slot to watch your team lose is the 9am London game. You wake up excited that you get early football then it ruins the football watching for the rest of the day.

I cut my finger on a cardboard box. 

It is. I just wasn’t expecting it. 

I think a few years ago Maryland tried to classify itself as mid Atlantic or north east to separate itself from this nonsense

Wasn't expecting that kicker

In another year or 2 pornhub will be calling her a cougar.

It appears people wearing Gronk jerseys fared poorly in this hullabaloo. 

In this situation because the winner goes to the white house which seems like something the loser should have to do. 

Ah, the Penn State defense.

I still don’t know why giorgio tavecchio doesn’t have a job. He lost out to Nate Freese in Detroit a few years ago because Freese was a 4th-ish round pick. He subbed in as an injury replacement this year in Atlanta and looked good again. Someone really needs to give him a chance.