Selfish? Why should that even be a question?
Selfish? Why should that even be a question?
I actually look forward to it. I don't know if maybe I'm just growing older, or if maybe I'm just not as "hardcore" in the gaming world as many others are, but this looks like something I'd want to go to a theater to watch.
"You see Ivan, when make boolet bounce off wall 3 times, you always hit enemy, for enemy not able to avoid boolet."
I'll just say that I'd rather be raped and have a part of my life be painful than be murdered and be robbed of several precious years of the rest of my life which I could be spending finding enrichment and satisfaction from the fruits of life.
Honestly, I know people will have fun different ways. Far be it from me to dictate how others have fun.
Silence thine selves, thou lowly peons! The court minstrel is playing a most delightful tune!
Mouth harp = best part of the video.
Oh, the dick is drawn on? Jeeeez, that's even worse.
Seriously, why are the penises raised up to practically where the bladders are?
Welcome to the liberal overtaking of American society, where it's only racism and cultural appropriation if you're white. Oh, but don't worry. The lib-hards will make elaborate convoluted logic to make it seem like it's not like that.
SNES? I heard many more NES-like sounds than I did SNES sounds or SNES-era sounds.
And yet if I were to call you out on your sexist generalizations and condescending remarks, I would be given a rat maze of explanations of how I'm wrong and your statements are righteous and just, correct?
Ugghh...the dark side of humans rears its ugly head, with this horrendous shitstorm that results from a simple question on Twitter. Jessica Valenti, I'm sorry you have to put up with this nonsense. We seriously have some messed up people in this world. Go back to your basements, you disrespectful assholes!
Homg u gaiz, Avril's doing unfair cultural appropriation and utilizing Japanese backup dancer accessories! What a privileged whitey! Die cis scum! :o
Whooaa....someone take Kireek back to Pioneer II for diagnostics and repair, please! o__o
*sigh* This is a tragic event. My heart goes out to the two drowned people, and the father.
My goodness, thank you! She's beautiful!
What about it?
So, let's have fresh, new, innocent white people sit down and shut up, and just take the auto-judgement, the auto-punishment, the auto-condemnation because of their skin color. Because they coincidentally happen to share the same racial trait that past oppressors have. BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.