
Try using that argument with this poor gal who just wanted to cosplay Michonne from The Walking Dead.

Heee feeeeeelllls fantaaastiiiiic!

Somehow it always has to go back to the whole "privileged white people who are ignorant of their own white privilege" thing. These people can never catch a break because they're white, can they? They have to be even more sensitive and more restricting of their actions, because if they don't, our society's bias will

I'll just say these things:

Stop that. Just because someone is white, that does not mean they have the monopoly on the financial, governmental, and cultural control of this country. This logic condemns people right from birth. It demonizes good people. Since when were people able to choose what race they were when they were born? Yes, the

Yes, there were Africans that sold their own people out. Proof that whites were not the *only* evildoers (thought they were the main evildoers).

Of course we can't accelerate societal wound-healing at a pace that we would like to. Yes, even today there are people out there being racist, acting like one is higher/lower than another.

Yes, the history involving oppression on African-Americans is unimaginably horrible. It should have never happened, and it was insanely evil. There were terrible double standards, and they needed to be rid of. I can agree. I can also agree that we should continue teaching young students about this part of our history

This would be implying that blacks, gays, women, Jews, etc. don't throw slurs and insults like straight white males do. This is ignorant separation, and acting as if they are superior to straight white males, as well as pigeonholing straight white males.

Dude. Rule 34 is Rule 34 for a reason. If it exists, there will be porn of it thanks to the internet. Not all of it is tasteful, or even considered morally right, but it's going to happen. I could make a show about a stapler talking to an ink pen, with no swear words, no moral decay, just happy fun times and

Okay, first of all, WOW. This dude needs a major slap in the face by reality. His ethic is wrong on so many accounts...and CREEPY.

If most people are siding with the guy in this particular instance, maybe there's hope for society yet. (I'm not saying that men are right, women are wrong. Just talking about this one instance where the woman happens to be wrong and the man happens to be right.)

My sympathy to you for dealing with that mess.


Except that the message "Flowers are better than excuses" at the end clearly favored Karen's side. All of the videos were in favor of women, and "Dudez B Dumb."

Amazing. All of these commercials are making men in relationships look like dumb, bumbling, knuckle-dragging mindless oafs who "just don't get it". How classic. Gee, I sure haven't seen THAT shtick hundreds of times before. I'd question if the person running the commercials, or company for that matter, is a bitter

The world is a bunch of idiots, but the great Rex Hardbody is our all-knowing, all-ruling king! Let it be known that only his word is truth, and everyone else is a shit-eating idiotic gigantic fucking loser!

It's no use. Rex won't see that at all.

Or he can continue being this way and we can continue having our free entertainment. :D

Yes, being honest wins a lot of admirers. Being right in the sense that you want to simply do the right thing, not for brownie points or for superiority, will also win admirers.