XKSteeda - GoJJ48


What a glorious holiday

Of course it's for a Scion.

@Firesphere: I was wondering the same thing. For some reason I can't get that to work with my computer though so I gave up. Seems like it'd be useful though.

Front end: Nice

@ninjagin: I think he was keeping money out of NASA and some Americans stepped up and showed him we can go to space anyway. This isn't his agenda, it's people doing stuff they want without him.


I think now would be an excellent time to bring Black and Gold back to the every-man's option list. I'm talkin' to you, manufacturers.

Wow those seats look straight luxurious. I was all in the pipe until I saw that. Gorgeous car with a gorgeous place to rest my bum. But the price is steep: CP.

@Dr. Nemmo: Pretty sure he's Australian. Not likely that the US could charge him with that.

How about the Crown Vic get out of the way of the professional drivers on a (not so) closed course?

What's with that kid grunting every time they turn? I'd kick him out before I kicked out the driver.

@CommodorePerry: just like getting asked for your SSN# on applications.

100% of the people who voted "nice price" are joking. Looks like a really crappy drug dealer thought he needed more space in a "fast" car.

@Ash78, beer snob Padawan: Well as the National Aeronautics and Apace Administration, I hope they always look to the skies. But I agree with branching out to explore more of our own planet.