Brian Tschiegg

IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.

Could you imagine how much better sports in Philly would be with that type of attendance?

I’m not enjoying this season of “The Wire” at all.

Headlines lost to history: “Russian, Japanese Forces Decimate Poles”

Write. Redskins number won dumb fans irregardless that sum of best school systems is in DC area (Montgumery County, Arlington, etc.). Yet Detroit, witch has no money, is more good? Oakland has black whole and they are smarter? Bengals fans eat poo chili and make less mistakes online? Know, I don’t think so. List is

Saints Fan: [reads article online]

Seems pretty petty of Emmit Smith to spend so much time on the Skins team site.

Those 5.6 errors per 100 words from the Jets fans largely come from referring to the organization as a professional football team.

“Man, that is in poor taste.”

“We are gonna do our best to take the crowd out of it early.. Wish us luck.”

We’ve already got that covered.

I really hope they do “Guess today’s attendance”

Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say that it’s fine if women want to focus on this aspect of La’el Collins’ life. I GET THAT. AND I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT. But at the end of the day, I’m a football fan, and we want to see great players be great and that’s what I’m concerned with.

Gary Younge on “black-on-black crime”:

Donnie Yen needs his version of “Rush Hour”. So few people know how great he is because he hasn’t made his mark in America yet.

People who leave the stickers on their hats are not to be trusted.

Does this look like a “coward of warfare”

My daughter will be 25 this year and she was an early bloomer too. I was fortunate in that she was very independent even as a toddler, so my wife and I did what we could to boost her confidence and to trust in her choices. She made some mistakes and we did too, but she always knew we had her back if it was needed.

However, their springy hose clamps that are impossible to take off could survive a nuclear apocalypse.

And yet somehow *I* was the mediawhore/distraction.