I’m glad that my life isn’t so empty that the free time I have away from work and taking care of my family aren’t squandered by being a huge asshole in a video game.
I’m glad that my life isn’t so empty that the free time I have away from work and taking care of my family aren’t squandered by being a huge asshole in a video game.
Whoever edited that footage into that god awful video should be hung from his/her/its toenails.
Neutral: In an era where people are still returning laptops and tablets to Best Buy because “it won’t get to AOL” or “it doesn’t have a CD slot” (both things I heard just this past week waiting in line to pick up a pre-ordered game), and refusing to accept the voluntary guidance and help of people half their age who…
Kitzbuhel is the Isle of Man of the skiing world.
I remember back in the day when ABC Wide World of Sports would show the Hahnenkamm race. It was amazing how skiers would make it down such a difficult ski run, and some of the wrecks were just nasty.
Yeah a sliding scale would be good. Wreck the people at .3 with massive fines and mandatory jail time.
As long as you are ok with totally overly restrictive laws about driving, why don’t we make it illegal to drive after 11pm while were at it? After all, drowsy driving is just as bad as drunk driving.
* - Drinking does not constitute “one or two drinks with dinner” which will not bring you above a .05 unless you’re a small framed woman, or drinking heavily poured mixed drinks.
It’s a cash grab.
This is crap. All we are doing is increasing the amount of DUIs. people between 0.05 and 0.1 arent the issue. It’s the idiots who are 0.25. There needs to be much harsher penalties for the people who are clearly well over the limit, like .2 = never drive again.
Hell, I want that guy directing me through my everyday life. “Gently pick up the toothbrush, and slowly, but firmly, cycle the brush from left, that’s left to right. Then rotate your wrist 15 degrees, bringing the bristles in direct contact with the rear, right side molars... Then cycle the brush first up and then…
It’s “dyslexic” and “piece” you stupid fuck.
Thank you for the encouraging words. They motivated me to upgrade my current saving/budget plan.
Agreed. I adore all things Ina.
But he can step off making fun of Ina Garten. That woman is a damned good cook, and her recipes always work. You know if you’re using something she wrote, it has been tested to within an inch of its life and the results are reproducible. Sure, she’s privileged, but she owns it and she is good at what she does.
“You were in a negative 4G, inverted dive... with a four-engine gunship...?”
“That’s classified.”
Normal procedure.
Came for this.