
I have been to Kitzbühel and while TV does a good job seeing the hill in person is mind bending. Just standing on the hill visualizing the final jump is absolutely absurd, I cant even being to contemplate actually racing it and even then actually trying to win it.

Is it just me or are the WYTS coming out earlier than usual this year?

Side note: I savior each one of these in hopes they will get me through the last few weeks without football in a semi sane fashion.

This a thousand times.

It used to get my every time

I wish my desktop background could be a live version of this.

dat probe doe

Just as other have said these lines / drops are 100% real. Fall and die type terrain.

Troll lo lo lo lo la la la la

Thats what I was thinking. Ingestion is by far the slowest method of delivery but in this case its really the only option. Clearly smoking, inhaling or injecting a substance ring side is going to raise more than a few flags. With that said a threshold to moderate dose of pain medication at the beginning of the match

"respect my authoritah" - Dr. Parvee

Put the blunt down man


Ill never forget my undergrad biochem teacher saying

"Marathon running is the most asinine form of entertainment that the human race has ever conceived"

Thats nonsense, now meet me at the corner of Route 1 and Knox Road and be sure to bring your car flipping, dumpster fire paraphernalia.

Two things I enjoy in this world, the study of medicine and sports.

Today's special is a karma dish served via subdural hematoma.....enjoy

What the hell?


1. First sober person in history to tell an ER physician "I had 30 beers" dead sober and straight faced.