A buddy of mine and I are Seahawks fans living in Columbus , Ohio, and our regular joke, and frankly the reason I never ever watch Sportscaster anymore, is that there are two stories on ESPN every Monday of football season:
A buddy of mine and I are Seahawks fans living in Columbus , Ohio, and our regular joke, and frankly the reason I never ever watch Sportscaster anymore, is that there are two stories on ESPN every Monday of football season:
This Thursday night game is a great example of why people aren’t watching. The quality of play is terrible.
God those end seats suck.
Disproven nutrition science from the 60s is on your side yes.
You confuse cause and effect. A healthy diet leaves you in caloric balance. Caloric balance does not make a healthy diet. If you are eating an unhealthy diet and restrict your calories on that diet (“just eat less!”) to some imagined “daily requirement” you will become tired and lethargic, your metabolism will slow,…
Care to take me up on a challenge?
I completely disagree with you. Feed your body good stuff, it will return you with good stuff. A calorie is not equal across all foods.
Dude please stop posting you’re highly uninformed and uneducated about human physiology. A calorie is not a calorie. First of all protein through a process called gluconeogenesis consumes about 1/3 of the energy in the food (protein) just to convert it to energy. So you’d have to account for that. Also some calories…
Where is the racist part?
Jesus, and I thought I got irationally upset by trivial shit.
Warn about the pooping, Kevin...THE POOPING
You are the problem. You’d rather let people pile up behind you than spend all your vital energies occasionally changing lanes. Pro-tip: changing lanes isn’t hard. It doesn’t take much time. All you do is move your hands a little. If you look more than 100 feet ahead of your car, you won’t need to change speeds all…
As many have said, “you sir are the problem”
Please inform us who invested you with the power to decide who is going too fast and in that, the power to decide to make them slow for you? Congratulations sir, you are the problem.
“If I stay in the right lane except to pass, then I find myself weaving right to left lane and back constantly to pass, as well as alternately accelerating and decelerating.”
It’s not your job to keep them from breaking the law.
If you paid equal attention to the speed of the cars in the passing lane, as you did for the cars merging onto the highway, you could probably get out of the way before impeding their progress. Or just stay in the slow lane.
If you’re in the left lane and you are not passing someone, at any speed, you are breaking the law. Speeding is not the only traffic violation.
You know you have a small dick when you get upset that people want to pass you. Move over. Get over it.