Dude, His second step was the classic Andre the Giant walking over a dude's stomach move.
Dude, His second step was the classic Andre the Giant walking over a dude's stomach move.
Tough break for the Lions, losing Suh for the entirety of the playoffs.
Hackers these days with their DDoS's and their Windows Vista! In my day we used dial-up, up hill both ways!
as people who are soon to end up in prison, it's in their best interest to keep their future career path open
I think we all know the answer is because they are terrible people. I know that some people, especially when they are teens, think it's funny to piss lots of people off. It's not. They're just making the world a little worse.
You know what else would stop attacks like this? People not being dicks. Or said dicks finding something else better to do with their time.
This is like someone breaking into an art gallery and then, when ordinary people can't go to the gallery for 2 months because it's being repaired, claiming they just did it "to show that the owners should invest in some better security".
I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.
Id like you guys to keep your political BS out of an awesome site you have built. All I can say is I hope you voted in November, and if it enrages you enough go to a damn city council meeting in NYC once in a while. Deadspin has some awesome content, but I would really like if you kept your god damn social opinions…
I thought they were called 'Jesus handles'.
Get in line. The Browns owe everyone an apology.
You know what's super cool? Rushing to the comments on an article about a dude who might be dying and making jokes.
as is our God given right.
Even if the world is reduced to a nuclear wasteland, and the air is filled with ashes, and the water polluted with fallout, we'll still continue to make jokes at the Supreme Leader's expense.
A friend of my dad flew his f-15 from Hawaii to the Middle East with a jar of Grey Pupon mustard on the dash just so he could do the old "do you have any Grey Pupon" bit with the taker crew.