
NFL: "Nigger" is a bad word that drags us back to the days of slavery. Now step on this scale and run the 40 yard dash so we can measure your physical attributes and let rich white men decide where you get to live and work.

Don't hate the player hate the game would be the most appropriate thing for this one. He figured out something that works, that other people hadn't thought of or understand and they're mad/jealous about it. It's working out for this guy and I hope he keeps it going.

"Fuckin' noobs. If you really wanna burn Shaun White, all you gotta do is rise."

The best part of these conspiracy theories is the fact that they actually think the NFL would favor a team in Seattle over a team in California, let alone a team in California that has loads of bandwagon fans across the country due to the glory days of Montana, Rice and Young, and the Super Bowl trip last year.

didnt take the snobs very long..

Calm the fuck down, it's a test flight of a new Boeing plane...

Now playing

Change a Tire and Jump Start a Car

This is one I kicked myself for not learning sooner. Thankfully I've never had to change a tire, but you don't want to get stuck on the freeway without at least a cursory knowledge of what you have to do. The YouTube video above should walk you through the process pretty nicely.

Just another colt leaving Baltimore in the middle of the night.

Work out, they said. It'll be good for you, they said.

Turnabout is fair play.

I called and made a major repair appt under the name Hadsecks Witman, that way they cant schedule other customers at that time slot, o and btw im totally not showing up for the appt because I live in Florida.

This is where the Jalopnik community wages war on the dealership until they make right with these people.

Dear Dealership,

If you can handle the mood swings, insomnia, losing your hair, and feeling terrible all the time go for it.

I turned to diet and exercise and never looked back. Kept my hair.

Anybody who wrote what Mike Wilbon did after Sean Taylor was murdered should lose all right to call anybody else sanctimonious.

Enough time has passed. He should just go by Jeff Stone knee Gillooly.

Good read. I never thought I would Kerrigan about this saga after 20 years or so.