Worldwide Wesley Willis

“The action is frenetic...back and forth... and it ends in.. a draw!!”

It's totally him in that photo. The giveaway is the jogging jacket, orange socks and no pants, as usual.

I once had a Reuben from a french café, and they used a hearty slab of brie in lieu of swiss. I don't care if that disqualifies it as an "official" Reuben, it was goddamn fantastic.

Pfft, you call that peak whiteness??


I dare you to try boiled ribs Burneko. I did, no regrets.

Is cooking ribs for 8 hours preferable? Absolutely. However, what if you don't have 8 hours? I had just such a situation on my hands recently (a right-after-work midweek bbq). I weighed my options, and opted for the...wait for it....boil 'em the night before method. It was scary. Kind of like peering over your toes

Totally! I hate cooking with seasoning, especially salt. Bleh.

Agreed! It tastes way better when you steal it.

What food does Johnny "Football" want named after him? Cracklins, of course

Holy shit. Spot ON.

What's the big deal here? Looks like a typical Canadian Box, Lacrosse match to me.

A PED scoop? Gotta be Barry Bonds, no one had more walks than he did.

If you think that's kinky, you should see what they do with the icing for Dan Carpenter's birthday.

Totally agree, Manitoba sucks. Strange that I don't mind Caribou tho.


Smart move, moving those near the fire, lest they end up fanning the flames.


"I saw Deadspin and thought this was a tennis site"

I'm not surprised the dolphin wanted to join in the fun....who doesn't love a good booze cruise?