James T Wood

It's the same process, but I use the metaphor of reverse-engineering to talk about this process.

I have a sleepytime routine.

I work from home and I don't really like voice command stuff. This article highlighted most of the reasons I won't use voice for my writing (I spend a lot of time staring out the window thinking about what to say next, editing requires much less effort, and I type more quickly than I speak).

This list isn't quite as extensive, but https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ allows you to post a link to the fallacy (like in the comments on Facebook) which will give people an acheivement-style image and an explanation of the fallacy.

That does make sense.

There are plenty of non-writing skills that are essential for a writer. You've put together a fantastic shortlist.

I would argue that the research skill applies here. I've seen both too much and too little research make the business of writing difficult for people. If a writer is an

I would also suggest having a Free Box. It allows you to get rid of the stuff you can't price very high and it creates a sense of obligation in the people looking through it. If they get something from the free box they're much more likely to buy more stuff (even for a couple dollars).

Also, don't price anything below

This is a good list, but it's non-fiction focused.

Yes and no.

I've done this and it's wonderfully helpful to overcome writer's block, but then comes editor's block.

Vote: How to Manage Your Money when You Don't Have Any

One of the most important concepts I've learned as a writer is that I am not my work.

A better search is to take the idiomatic options and put a "vs." between them.

For example: "all around vs. all round" led me to find out that "all-round" is the UK version while "all around" is the US version.

I'm relatively poor but I work from home. I wouldn't commute for $40k extra.

This seems to be a different approach to the same problem addressed by Getting Things Done.

I saw my mistake after I posted. I've edited to correct it.

It appears that BC2 and BC2-Pro live in the same app. If you want to use the Pro features of BC2 you either need to have BC1-Pro installed or pay for an upgrade ($1.22).

It's much closer, but not quite there yet.

I want ESPN, but don't care at all about HGTV or the Food Network.

I do want Discovery but zero of the Disney channel (unless Disney comes up with an all Marvel/Star Wars channel).

I'm happy that this is getting some traction, but it's still a bundle-service thing which is

Oh, I've been doing this for a while now. It was just the most comfortable way to type so I did it.

It also depends on the build of the keyboard to get the right angle on things. My current keyboard has a three inch section below the space bar which forces at least that much space between my rest and the keys.


It's nice to know that there are some perks for the pastors out there. They have incredibly low pay, high stress, low job security, little-to-no benefits, and very high educational debt (on average, you mileage may vary).

I can't speak to any of the other jobs on the list, but I can tell you that there are almost no