
Social Justice Avengers - Assemble!

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Vsauce: random facts about life, the universe and everything!

Thanks. Now I know who not to give even a follow to for supporting the travesty that is Obamacare.

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I love that movie. Nostalgia-wise this scene can't be beat!!

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Just because of how funny it is.
Jackie Chan - City Hunter

Judging this entirely on its own merits as a trailer and completely ignoring the material it's based on and the cultural climate in which its being released, this looks like a mediocre sci-fi film that has been greatly influenced by Interstellar.

I managed to get it running on my LG G3 with a slightly modified APK (the screen size check removed). The text is quite small, but readable, and the game is smooth as butter.

Did I loathe and hate what Benoit did to his family? Yes.

I'm not your friend, buddy!

Hey guy, think aboot the money.

"I wouldn't say no to ever doing an MMO again," Morhaime said to Polygon. "But I can say that right now, that's not where we want to be spending our time."

Was the All Clear from the Disaster Watch ever sounded?

Just a quick note: I'm actually British. I used the NYT and WSJ as examples as I expect the people reading this will mainly be American, and those who aren't will understand the abbreviations anyway.

I'm so, so, so confused as to the seeming ignorance of the gaming media here. Maybe it's because my main interest is politics that I have a certain detached view of this.

I would argue the opposite. "Gamers" are not over- the term has been hijacked by infantile, loudmouthed fanboys. Real "gamers" are those of us who grew up with industry, playing Atari, then Nintendo and Sega.

All we need to do now is reanimate the corpse of Ronald Reagan ....

I dropped out about the same time- flanking and phasing and shadow destroyed the fun of the game for me by making it too complex. It turned a game that had 3-4 phases in each turn to something that seemed like it had 17, and if I wasn't buying new cards every month, I couldn't objectively compete with those people

Are you really that incapable of perceiving that people are capable of saying things without meaning them literally? When talking about super heroes that look like Robin Hood no less...