
Too little, too late.

Clickbait bullshit. He was cleared in the first report and isn’t even in the second.

WTB Kansas City Overwatch team...

The kid didn’t say anything, his father did... 30 years ago. This is why political correctness needs to go away. I wonder if we did a deep dive on all these SJW morons, we would find that their parents did something politically incorrect and they should have their livelihood damaged.

Vol’jin should have put Baine in charge, but no...

What he said was you could play solo but it would be harder. It is still online with dozens of other people on your map with griefers nuking you...

solo. but not offline. also, he said it would be harder without friends, so they are tuning it for that.

At least until they hack the game about 24 hours after release and the griefers can fire those at will...

More like Fallout: Dumpster Fire. I will be voting with my wallet and will be passing on this because Bethesda just took a big steaming dump on one of their best franchises. And just like The Last Jedi killed Solo, I won’t be giving Bethesda a single penny this year. Maybe when Starfield comes out, they can have my

Now I can hate Hanzo players in two games...

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge, MechAssault, MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf, Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes, And Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Vollyball...

A lot of good books in this bundle. I already own most of them (Including my signed copy of City on the Edge of Forever) either in dead tree form or ebook.

A lot of good books in this bundle. I already own most of them (Including my signed copy of City on the Edge of

There will NEVER be a WoW 2. It wouldn’t make any money because of the time that people have put in (13 years this December for me) they won’t want to start over.

You are just jealous because we have the most fabulous hair.

Gwent is just as pay to win as Hearthstone...

A great one from my favorite jazz artist.

The only reason I bought CKII...

Just a cash grab attempt from an old singer who hasn’t put out a hit for 56 years...

I am going to pass. I don’t play games with blatant anti-American themes or overt progressive agendas

Yes, Please! I only wish Paradox had a license for The Expanse... I would LOVE an Expanse grand strategy game.