
May the Madden Curse apply to Brady and the Cheatorits tenfold.

Without a doubt, The Addams Family. There are only 4 physical arcade machines I want, and that is the top of the list (with a DK Jr, Star Wars, and Gauntlet 4p cabinets rounding out my dream game room). The rest can be handled with a MAME cab or two.

The Witcher 3 is the best RPG of this century, hands down.

I am more of a Tris and Shani type of guy. I really dislike Yennifer a lot after reading the books.

I am happy that Pavel got put out. After last year when he got lucky and beat Amnesiac and cost me packs, I consider him the same as the Patriots, my most hated football team.

The last time I truly enjoyed playing an FPS...

I never watched anyone play video games and thought it was stupid until I started watching Hearthstone streams... now I spend as much time watching as I do playing and even stream myself...

A Pirate themed Van Cleef would be awesome.

I thought this was all viral marketing for a new dystopian future movie...

2016 The year of death and lets gay all the things...


Oh why did I go to the link to the DC store...

I’m your huckleberry, that’s just my game...

I didn’t fall for it. It is not like I was ever going to subscribe to that idiot anyways.

While not really playing, I will be working on a Raspberry Pi retropie gaming system to give my sister’s family for Christmas. She wanted a Nintendo Classic but since those are cost prohibitive until Nintendo makes more, this make the ‘PiTendo’ an even better solution.

I would rather take a cleanroom suit and weaponized flu

I would so put them out of business :)

Umm Bass Reeves says hands up, racist.

Ok.. this Harambe crap needs to stop. It just show the stupidity of the current generation to keep perpetuating this ridiculous bullcrap.