
Well, at least we havent paid him yet. If this is true, kick him to the curb and look to replace him. Theres no place on the Chiefs for players like this

Shes seriously always been evil, people who think that this is a heel turn have to ignore everything shes done in the last 14 years. 

Now playing

Track: Blue Rondo à la Turk (live) | Artist: Dave Brubeck Quartet | Album: Time Out

AMC’s Into the Badlands is scheduled to return in 2017 as well. I love that show.

The agenda isn’t keeping gay people out of media... It’s pushing gay relationships for the sole purpose of having a gay relationship. Instead of suddenly twisting two characters that aren’t gay, haven’t shown insecurities in their sexuality, (or in Penguin’s case, shown any kind of sexulaity whatsoever) they should be

thanks Wolftech =)


Hopefully Game Developer Barbie won’t be found unceremoniously butchered in a dirty motel bathtub.

(p.s. Goddamn you, Supernatural. I will never forgive that.)

This is what happens when you don’t let Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Alan Burnett, Glen Murakami, Greg Weisman, and Andrea Romano take complete control of your DC-verse.

Well, right now, Ray’s nanobots are in 1977, although tonight, they will probably be sometime else...

I also wonder why they can’t repair the spinal damage with Ray’s nanobots.

I am going to go live in an alternate universe where I wrote grade school instead of high school. Hopefully Trump won’t be running for president there as well.

Getting to be part owner, or financial backer, of places like Combat Zone, Easy City Downs, and the General Atomics Galleria would have been pretty damn cool. They wouldn’t have to be settlements (Dear God, don’t we have enough of those whining for help every time we think it’s all cleared up?), but resupply

I finally got around to playing Brutal Legend during the Steam Winter Sale (just before it, actually; one of the few times I’ve purchased a game and then watched it go on 90% sale 48 hours later—DERP).

That game is a love poem to my high school years; it’s like someone brought the soundtrack of my adolescence to life,

1. Dogmeat

Robot Jox is a great movie!!!

Do I need to justify this?

Ms. Anders,