
The only announcement that matters is Bethesda’s Fallout 4. All others pale in comparison (Unless Valve announces Half-Life 3... that might steal its thunder...)

So Bitch Lesner is going to sign a big contract to be in the game, he shows up and takes the best stuff then you don’t see him for months? Nice DLC.

How could Hip Hop Stormtrooper not win?

Pandora gets my vote as well. I have tried lots of others (Spotify, Amazon, etc) and still keep my Pandora One account (grandfathered in for the 3.99 a month). I use it every night when reading before bed (and as I go to sleep with the sleep timer) and when out and about and away from my personal collection.

Sloppy would be a better description...

I am willing to bet that pro video game players are marginally better role models than a significant portion of the professional athletes out there. I would rather have my kid look up to Firebat, Tastless, and Day9 than I would have them look up to Aaron Hernandez, Ray Rice, or Micheal Vick...

And yet, there is a better chance of that kid wining money playing video games than they ever would have a chance a pro sport career...

I quit playing tabletop when they split undead into vampires and tomb kings. I have thought about getting back into it but it is too expensive at this point. I will, however be getting this like I have gotten every other Warhammer strategy game (regardless of how disappointing it was)

I am still waiting to actually get to play the game I paid for with GTA V (specifically online). I have had a ticket in for help with R* Support since Monday and the most I have gotten is ‘we escalated it’. Meanwhile I am stuck with a game I can’t play that I preordered and was looking forward to playing again.

As much as I miss striving for a perfect score on Through the Fire and the Flames or dueling with Zak Wilde, what I am seeing won’t bring me back and make me want to buy a console again. I am going to stick with Rocksmith.

IV wasn’t as bad as V was. The two best have been San Andreas and Vice City.




I know that, I was just refuting DeadpooliO. He was claiming Bryan wasn't a grand slam champion because he never held the Euro championship, but i was pointing out he has it. And unified titles count as both. They didn't deactivate a title like they did the ECW Championship. It is like the WWE Heavyweight Championship

Umm, no. He has it now. The Euro title and IC title were unified. From Wikipedia -

They put in Krypto but no Booster Gold? Meh.

Damn it.. I wanted Lesner to leave WWE. Making him champ was a mistake with him having an easier schedule than any other part timer in history. At the very lease, Rollins could have cashed in on him a few PPVs ago.

I finally got my selfie camera in WoW. Here is one of my first ones: