I use an addon called Molinari (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mol…). While it is still one click, one mill, It is simply an alt+right click and it takes care of milling, prospecting, disenchanting, and lock picking (including skeleton keys) and even will take care of the lock picking in the trade window.
#6 is taken care of with Overachiever - http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/ove…
Good for you and your family, however for every story like yours, there are 10 of people who either lost their healthcare or their costs skyrocketed so much the penalty for no healthcare was cheaper.
The only reason the costs have been slowed is because 0bama and Democrats keep delaying the parts that shoot up the cost of the programs until he leaves office and they are hoping that it helps get Hillary elected. After those are gone, the costs will be unbearable. Don't believe it? Go read the GAO reports about how…
It is you that is clueless... but I expect no less from the Entitlement Generation
While screwing over those of us who had existing healthcare plans we lost because of 0bama's regulations
More like the UN-affordable care act...
Just because people buy more of something, does not make it better. Just like iPhones and Justine Bieber...
Why am I still gray after being here for a very long time?
Ahh, but not all of the British aristocracy spend their time plundering the riches of the ancient world to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars...
In Smaug's defense, that is a HUGE treasure horde and if converted into today's gold value it would likely top into the hundreds of trillions if not reach quadrillion territory. That is not counting the gem prices, the suits of mithiral armor and weapons left by the dwarves or the various magic items in said treasure.…
Thanks for proving my point...
See, this is the kind of moronic troll that needs to be purged from our Warcraft community.
While one a whole, the WoW community has been steadily growing worse over the years, even with all the scumbags and trolls it is still one of the best gaming communities in the hobby. There are still millions of good people that play this game and its stories like this that continue to make me proud to be a World of…
So what does this mean for WoW Insider?
My Dad took me to my first wrestling card when I was just 9 years old in 1979. It was in Memorial Hall in Sedalia MO and the main event was "Bulldog" Bob Brown vs Harley Race and while I don't remember all the spots, I do know at one point Bulldog (the Face) opened up Race's forehead and there was blood all over. That…
I <3 Penelope Garcia :) She is not Abbey, but she is my number #2