
I get it. This veers into hyperbole. However, it always seems like bad practices beget bad practices and it’s like pandora’s box once publishers figure out how to package them just this side of garbage.

In other words, time gating demos offers absolutely no advantage to the consumer. In theory, it’s so good that

Come on, stranger, you knew what he meant.

Just read the details on their site and they’re removing a LOT of stuff.

Soooo... are spoilers just a thing of the past now?  It was on LAST NIGHT... I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet :/  Not that this is a huge reveal this early in the contest, but pleeeaaase consider having a spoiler tag and hiding stuff so it doesn’t just show up in my rss feeds with all the spoilery info?  Please?

there should be gun called “contacting destiny servers” if you get shot by it, your sent back to the title screen

I never thought I would say this tbh, but that is a major disservice to Justin Bieber. I mean, I am as grossed out by Justin Bieber’s existence as the next person, but at least he isn’t, you know, fucking evil.

True. Still, an improvement is an improvement, even if it’s improving something that can’t be improved all that much. I’m looking forward to hearing him on new material next week - it’ll be interesting to see if Bungie’s writers have upped their Ghost-dialogue writing skills for Taken King.

Right - it works better for me because he sounds more like a robot. Peter Dinklage sounded like a human giving robotic line readings. It’s a fine distinction, but an important one.

They’re both alright with me, Dinklage’s low tone is fine and North makes Ghost sound more like Guilty Spark which is also A-OK.

The animations look weird. Overly graceful? I’m not sure how to describe it. Also, it appears that they’re new to this whole “lip syncing” thing.

Man, I miss Monster Rancher.
It was amazing to raid my older sisters massive CD collection, sit in front of the PS1 and see what monsters I could get.

Story time!

Two months clean and counting!

There is a vas deferens between this and acceptable contractor behavior.

Yeah, especially because the apps are almost always buggy and shitty.

Game: Borderlands