If they want to ignore them, that's fine. It's for everyone else reading who would think they were right if no other facts were presented.
If they want to ignore them, that's fine. It's for everyone else reading who would think they were right if no other facts were presented.
I actually really liked Dinklage's voice acting. It has a touch of humanity but it's just stilted enough to remind you that the Ghost is a machine. Also the wizard coming from the moon makes a lot more sense in context.
I'll never understand this sort of prankish hacking. What a waste of apparently talented people risking jail time over a few moments of anonymous internet "fame."
No one is advocating removing all violence directed towards women from all games. That's pretty much a strawman position that people who don't want anything to change use to rail against.
Unfortunately, in the Tech/Dev/Gaming world nearly ALL companies require there Developers, Systems Engineers/Admins, and any other tech related position to sign a contract that states that ANYTHING you create, even if it is in your free time at home, belongs to the company. These contracts are shady and horrible, but…
Thank you so much for the great feature and all the kind words! I'm so surprised and excited to see that people like my cosplay. As someone who sees my own face in the mirror every day, I have a lot more trouble seeing the resemblance than others do, but it's fun to hear that people are enjoying my pictures! :)
But that's what it is... a Kaiju. Yes, it's a giant monster, but when we have a specific term with a specific meaning why would we want to drop it in favor of ambiguity? You see, Kaiju has a more specific feel to it than calling something a monster flick. and when you hear the term "Kaiju" you know exactly what you're…
You know what is really obnoxious? Asking people not to use a term that defined an entire movie genre in japan for several generations because you cant be bothered to hear a foreign word. Muchas gracias y que tenga un buen dia.
While we're at it, can we stop using obnoxious terms like "sushi" when you mean "raw fish on rice"? Or "anime" when you mean "Japanese cartoons"?
Some mash ups make complete sense. This is not one of them.
There is a feeling I can’t shake. The feeling that Grand Theft Auto V is a step back. That it is not the game I…
Just Xbox One in Italics.
Nah, keep them coming. Regardless of what you want, people keep buying the titles.
Jesus Christ, you can order a pizza from your Xbox 360? Yes, thanks to Pizza Hut and Xbox Live, whose 172.65…