
Are you thinking of Minecraft Dungeons? It is an Action RPG that has had a ton of extra content added and is on Gamepass. My nephew loves to play when he visits, and it is one of the few games we can agree on :) 

Better support could mean as little as, we will now give you some support. They are second only to SquareEnix for the worst support I have received. 

I absolutely loved Too Human, I was bummed that it never got the planned sequels. 

Same here, I tried the PC version of PS Now.  I tried years ago but it just wasn’t worth it. If anything it has gotten worse.  Artifacting like crazy on an excellent connection and that is if you are lucky enough to get the game to load. I reached out to their customer service for my $1 back, because it isn’t even

This was my favorite (first time playthrough) of all the Final Fantasy games. I loved the way it felt like a single player MMO, the story was strong, and I recall liking the leveling system as well.

The bit about failure is great advice. I started off playing this like a Civ game, slowly and carefully trying to build power with the best rulers possible. Then a mistake in succession planning let to an absolute unit taking over. Everything he did was a mess and suddenly I was having a blast. His terrible reign set

Same, the AI has been much more reliable than the people I have connected with.  At least the AI stays near me, actually attacks things and isn’t just idle farming for xp...

The first play-through is usually me. Mostly, the “good” choices I would like to think I would make in the given situation. I will usually try to play the opposite on a second playthrough but there are some things I cannot bring myself to do.

Morning Zack! You may want to check your gif settings on your thumbnail preview. Looks like potato mode is engaged.

I was planning to upgrade my iPhone but now it looks like I’m switching to Android. This was absolutely a deal breaker for me.

I jumped ship originally because they blocked Kindle from accessing the Amazon store directly from the app and there were a handful of apps that were slow in coming to Apple.

I found that I am

I was going to wait for the streamlined questlines but I finally caved thanks to the Steam sale.  I guess I will try it the long way around and then see what the new system is like with character 2 :)

I picked up Fallout 76 when it was $14.99 and Amazon was offering a $15 rebate.  They paid me .01 to take it from them and at that price I enjoyed my time with it.

Also, Tractor Cannon kills count.  I had a primary shotgun and tractor cannon that I was rotating between as I ran out of each ammo type and things seemed to be going pretty fast.  I got 20% done last night just playing normally without a farm.  Finished my weekly flashpoint and played a few rounds of gambit.

Jason, I just want you to know how impressive your work has been to me. It is journalism, not just game journalism. And, I don’t say that to demean game journalism in any way. I love game journalism!

I caught the deal on Amazon a while back where the game was 14.99 with a $15 rebate. Technically I got paid a penny to play. For that price, I have enjoyed it so far :)

Dragon Age and Dragon’s Dogma.

This article barely nails the English (Zombies is...) and you expect them to get the Japanese? ;)

There is a slight flaw on the last two polls. You don’t account for people who spent no solver (even the free stuff). Personally I only liked the Carlton and I’m holding out for more free silver :)

Well, I did 90% of a single strike, got to the boss and then Destiny crashed forcing me to complete it at a later time. So it isn’t just one strike, you also have to fight the network itself!