Look at the xp bar, he isn't even earning light.
Look at the xp bar, he isn't even earning light.
Did they add any Ghost dialogue for the original content and DLC or just duplicate the same lines?
Yeah that lip-syncing (or lack thereof) really took me back. I think studios have gotten so good at this we forget how bad it used to be. It really pulled me out of that first scene.
The way Amazon laid out this deal is absurd. I want a TV, none are on sale. Some are supposed to be on sale, but who knows when. Quantities will likely be limited and the sales are timed. So no chance to do research... I hate to say it but Wal-Mart's counter sale is executed much better...
The way Amazon laid out this deal is absurd. I want a TV, none are on sale. Some are supposed to be on sale, but who…
You know, I was still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Bungie used to be a company I trusted and respected, then in the wake of all of this frustration they released the incredibly myopic Red Bull ad campaign. So now it’s going to cost me $40 and Red Bulls to play all the new content, then I have to wait…
The key factor that puts this in the win column is the free preview option . Unlike on PC you get to check out the unfinished mess to see if there is a good game there. By the way I can already play Elite Dangerous, so... win!
Spider-man was the comic that finally broke my comic book phase. Other comics I followed were starting to fragment, like Superman. But, Spider-man was so scattered across so many runs of comics with so many clones and symbiots to keep track of I knew I couldn’t keep up and I lost interest in trying.
I was hooked on Monster Hunter. I had a ridiculous CD collection and it was really great how the monsters mirrored some of the album titles. I remember REM’s Monster being especially great. I never got into Pokemon, I think I was a bit old for it and Monster Hunter was just a bit more edgy (not much).
Now that I have seen the movie and read your article I apologize for assuming that you posted a spoiler without warning.
Full disclosure: I didn’t read your article or any other comments. I am trying to avoid spoilers on a movie that ISN’T EVEN OUT YET. I would suggest changing your title as it is an obvious spoiler and I will now not be shocked when I see and Avenger kill someone, thanks for that by the way.
My wife and I love Dragon Age, thanks for all of your hard work. I was shocked by how much I enjoyed the multiplayer mode, but now I find myself only logging in on the weekends for the events. Any word on multiplayer content? I would love to go back (on new maps).
I'm pretty sure that is why burner accounts exist ;)
Did you leave out Black Widow to make your point? She is perhaps the most bad as of all of them going toe to toe with supers with no powers of her own. Agent Carter founds SHIELD. Other majer characters come to mind as well like, Freya, Lady Sif, Pepper Potts (leading a major company no less)and if you throw in the TV…
Cool, I will revoke my snark and thank you for your info :) ...as long as the DLC is in my hands tomorrow.
Not vague, it says "Coming Tomorrow/Dragon Age Inquisition Jaws of Hakkon/Official Trailer"
Dude, it says the Official Trailer comes out tomorrow, not the DLC.
^^^^^ We have a weiner!
Well done, sir. That was one heck of a review and a personal story that I greatly identified with.
I would love to see DC Universe Online come to Xbox. As long as I am wishing I may as well ask for a new Champions of Norrath :)
Another Secret Handshake. That was my first drop from the expansion. Looks good on paper but the ammo return perk doesn't seem to work.