
Yeah, I'm not seeing the bigger picture yet and I am wondering if it is there. This article is good news, I loved Left4Dead and I hope the studio does well. Titanfall taught me that I, personally, need a single player story mode, even if it is filled with bots. I need to be able to walk around the maps at my own

I know for me I kept thinking "Titanfall." My interest in that game dropped off really fast even though I loved it at the start. I felt the same about Evolve, I had a lot of fun but I kept thinking is this a whole game? Will I play this handful of maps (that kinda look the same) enough to justify a purchase?

Actually not even DLC folks can play it yet. You have to complete DLC bounty quests and I just got one that says to buy something from Xur. Assuming everyone gets the same quest no one will be doing weekly strikes until Friday.

I'd be happy if they got it running in Xbox OS. I just signed up for EA Access, thinking certainly by now the game works. I played the campaign for a while, & had a great time. I came back later and nothing was saved.

Fantastic work! This is on par or better than what I have seen so far out of Bungie! Someone needs to scoop you up and make your work official!

Thank you opinion police! I really appreciate your judgment of my comparisons and I will certainly take it to heart. Please continue on your mighty quest to quell the internets of different viewpoints. Truly we shall all be better for it. Thank you for taking on this responsibility for those who cannot.

True, but then they went multiplatform and created a multiplatform fanbase who can now be disappointed when they go back to making exclusive games. Sony used to exclusively make transistor radios and if they went back to just doing that it would be disappointing, right? :)

Bing gave me this.

At the end of the video the freeze frame says "Only on PlayStation" Disappointing, since From has built such a large multiplatform fanbase.

I tried Smite and really liked it. I have done some really stupid things and no one has yelled at me yet :)

I think most of the well meaning comments trying to parse out whether this is racist are far more culturally insensitive than the video. Plus you guys are actually talking about ethnicity and culture, not race.

The "shittiest, dumbest parts of Japanese culture"? Tell us more about cultural sensitivity oh wise one.

The default movement speed looks painful.

I am really interested in this game. That said, this is one of the most boring trailers in recent memory. No gameplay, no story tease, and it takes 2 minutes to say the title and "Steam" This entire thing could have been summed up in a screenshot.

They lost me with the Wii. I love nintendo games but they seem think we want our game systems to operate like Voltron. Every freaking game I wanted had some new attachment or separate control scheme. Sometimes it was midgame, I got so tired of being told to attach the nunchuk, remove it, turn controller to the

Fantastic article. I really enjoyed GTA V, but agree that tonally something was a bit off. I appreciate this nuanced view. Thanks!

This is kind of like saying there are too many military shooters or racing games. Zombies are pretty much a genre unto themselves now and just like any other kind of game you don't have to buy them if you don't want them. I for one really like zombie games, especially now that we are getting real zombie survival

Its weird to me that I have exactly the same first and last name as the voice actress. I am also into gaming and voice acting (though without any of her success). Although I'm I guy, so we don't have that in common :)