
Another detriment to society from capitalism. They design for what people statistically are attracted to. And if they don’t know what they’re attracted too, they’re only too happy to tell you what you like or don’t.

How about instead of Keanu, can one of my non-sentient AI’s avatars be the 1989-Model Alan Rickman with the Hans Gruber facial hair in a butler’s outfit?  Or maybe the 2001 model Keith Hamilton Cobb?  (Now that man’s voice, soft as it can be could melt steel at 20 paces.  A bit like Young Katherine Hepburn’s melodic

Well, I certainly find them more comforting than the authoritative and intimidating male voices.  Unless I can have a man celeb voice like Pat Stewart, and those other folks with nice deep sonorous voices.  Not like someone who’s calling you into the office for a course correction and a write-up.

... ... Nah. He’s gonna end up like most ordinary white dude protagonists. (SEE: MALE/SHEP - Mass Effect Trilogy)

I find that for the most part, quite a few of the sort that fetishize gynoid AI and robots are looking for artificial women with strength and agency of their own. If you’ve met the folks in the kink community, you’re probably going to have less exposure to the leering misogynist stereotypes usually associated with the

Ya know... I’d love to pick this up. But FPOV games give me sim-sickness like anything nowadays. (Doesn’t bode well for my eventually trying a VR setup.) I used to be able to play Doom and the original Wolfenstein back in the day.  I reached my limit for that with the Quake games.  I can occasionally get away with it

No to the effink way, my dudes.  I’ve got the first three on physical media.  I’m good.

I don’t appreciate the game at all.  But I got some admiration for the testicular fortitude you’re showing in your stan for it.

Some clever dick has already used the adventure building engine in the new one to re-create the old one with the SRR engine.

I have lusted for a proper open-world / MMO of Shadowrun that isn’t tied to the idea of an isometric turn-based RPG for 30 years. And 30 years ago I didn’t even knwo I wanted that cos OW/MMO’s didn’t exist yet. I am still waiting. And I fear I’ll have to continue waiting with the Cyberpunk Debacle and the Old MS

I found a sure-fire way to end my frustration with lousy pulls and miserly drop rates in spite of doing all the things listed here.

I can’t do the original Ghostbusters anymore. It stopped being rewatchable for me about the time the last big videogame came out. The one the original actors voiced for. It wasn’t that the game put me off the movie... but I did start asking myself. “Was the humor always this skeevy? Was Venkman, who was my favorite

I actually just uninstalled Genshin yesterday after at least 6 months of not playing it.  I invested a lot of time, but got over my sunk cost fallacy and my disgust for Gacha stuff caught up to me.  I’m done with it.

I gotta agree with the selection of ET: The Extra Terrestrial. At 10 years old, I was THE target audience of this one. And... There is a species of Merrie Melodies cartoon. Stephen King in his gunslinger books also mentions a similar species of children’s book. The kind meant to very transparently, blatantly and

I’d say that Battle Beyond the Stars, which me an my pals riffed MST3K style at a convention down in GA, is more ‘The Magnificent Seven / The Seven Samurai than Star Wars. Also? Infamous boobship? Have a look at the credits for this and see who designed Nell. None other than a director who hadn’t hit his stride yet

I’m still looking quite forward to Peace Island when that fella finishes it.  He’s coming right along last time I looked.

Gums....  All I see are gums...

How has Amazon not been sued by the developer ‘Spiders’ for what looks essentially like ‘Greedfall Online’?  When I saw it the first time I jumped up and down in excitement.  It looks like they made a Greedfall Online! I shouted.  Then I saw that it was not.  And I was sad.  And then I saw it was from Amazon, and I

(From the Python sketch)