One trope I have always despised in most RPG’s, which is why I’m not as hot to play fantasy ones as opposed to sci fi ones, is the INEVITABLE LEVEL FULL OF SPIDERS AS BIG AS ST. BERNARDS. My wife’s playing Grounded on her twitch stream and I’m not watching that cos NOPE.
But I’d play this. It reminds me a bit of the…
That was really kinda KOTOR 4, 5, 6, 7 and so on. We never got a 3. Or any satisfactory resolution to Revan’s saga.
Ohhhh I have to admit. I HATED Mission Vao. The archetype of the sassy kid with attitude is one I’ve hated in any sci-fi or fantasy media. I’m hard pressed to think of any that I’ve ever liked. And I suppose that’s spawned from my ever-present dislike of having kids foist upon a story that didn’t need them in order to…
Oh it’s not so much that no-one had ever done it before Holdo. It was that it was such a catastrophically unthinkable thing to do, that it was hardly ever done. You had to REALLY hack and bypass all manner of safety protocols (Like Holdo did.) in order to even get your ship to cooperate in a suicide maneuver like…
I can appreciate the need to update the combat mechanic some, but I really hope they don’t go in the direction of a complete action-er like Fallen Order. I see em going probably in the direction the Mass Effect games went. But honestly, I LIKED the turn based RPG aspect. I like having a moment to think and strategize…
Carth and Kaiden irrationally predjudiced me against poor ol Raphael Sbarge, who turned in a good performance for both roles. I just disliked both characters. Carth was written infuriatingly; this being back when the whole Bioware Paragon/Neutral/Renegade replies that had consequences later on mechanic was really…
And you wonder who’s gonna voice FemRevan, since FemShep is already in this one as Bastilla Shan. (Jennifer Hale)
Well, now that we’ve got a very famous dual-wielder on screen nowadays in the form of Ahsoka Tano, the old dual-sabering does seem a little lackluster in comparison. As well, I don’t remember them having shoto-shortsabers in KotOR like Ahsoka’s. You could really get involved doing animations where people are using two…
I’m really hoping they keep at least some of the old D20 elements. But I very much want them to keep the turn based combat mechanic. It’d be quite jarring if they went all Mass Effect Action Shooter on us.
Actually, you bring up an interesting point. One of the big interesting milestones of any Old Republic game, console or MMO, is the construction of your lightsaber and the installation of the specific colored crystal and ‘class’ of Jedi that denoted. Now that we’ve seen the remains of Malachor, and the big Jedi vs.…
Point of order, there is actually a ‘Sith’ race, if you want to take SW:TOR into account, which you’d kinda have to? I’m looking forward to KotOR finally exiting that nebulous “is it canon or not?” zone it’s occupied for nearly 20 years.
Those weren’t space rednecks. Those were Q-Tips. ^_^
Which makes me wonder... by today’s standards, the racing sequence on Taris in KotOR is gonna look kinda janky. Is that whole mini-game going to get redone? (Also, are they going to bring the character models for Rakghouls in line with SWTOR?)
That’ll be problematic in some cases... but I agree. I wonder if they’ll recast Master Vrook, or use Ed Asner’s older recorded dialogue.
Oddly, my policy was, “I’m never buying the movies until George Lucas, much as I love him, is goddamned dead.” Cos the moment I got one, they were going to be re-released, re-edited or obsolete the one I just got. With new ownership, not even Uncle George is going to stop that from happening.
I see that the developers are talking about remaking the game ‘From the ground up.’. Now... the original was fairly extensively written. And some of the original voice actors are sadly, no longer with us. (RIP Ed Asner, AKA Master Vrook.) I’m guessing that my question is whether they will be rewriting the scripts and…
The only cover of GP I can really get into.
I do hope that before I become old and infirm, someone will do a properly AAA sized and functional version of Shadowrun with the scope and intentions this had. Or maybe something with the breadth of say RDR2 or Witcher3. Something that could lead to an online MMO. The old SRO was kind of a nonstarter. And while I love…