
Oh no... we’re not getting anywhere near the level of prequel plotholes here. The Lord-god-king-plothole of the entire saga is “Why didn’t they go buy that kid’s mother out of slavery and put her up somewhere nice and safe? I mean he only saved your damn planet. And we know he can’t have any association with her as a

Now see? This is lovely. Anow when they apply this technology to a proper remake of X-Wing / TIE Fighter, call me.

So. Note to self. Do not buy Bethesda games because they’re sleazy law trolls who propogate needlessly dangerous precedent greedily. Good to know.

I’ll take 4

Here is a nice link to a photobucket slideshow full of images suitable for captioning so you too can have the Catheter Cowboy suggest all kinds of things the republican occupation ought to know about. You know. Just to get their facts 100%. We’re always glad to help, right? Bonus! We even have a few shots here

Very much so. I had the spirit of it right. ^_^ Been listening to this whole soundtrack on a loop for a few days now.

When I heard Ending Music (for a film) being covered during Ford’s speech in The Bicameral Mind, I about flipped my shit. My brother gave me a copy of that track some years ago, and I thought of him fondly in that moment. I MUST HAVE THIS SOUNDTRACK.

Girls, get ready to come down with a scorching case of Roji Panty Complex in anticipation of the new brotastic Lucian boyband, “Cloudy Squallbanger”.

Completely free up there is a broken link, and it’s still 20 bucks on Steam. Where is it available for free?

Thanks for this. This really was one of my favorite series for the PS1. Having never had the handhelds, I never got to play the ones that came after. I have this half hope that perhaps someday, we’ll get a nice redo of the entire Parasite Eve series that can be played on the PC as well. It is a dream I have... *^_^*

Funny... you didn’t sound druish.

Someone tell the people at Firefly Online...

Now playing

Flag on the play. Inadvertent or deliberate omission of The Dark Knight Returns Pt. 1 & 2. Or mention of Bryan Cranston’s turn as Gordon in Batman: Year One.*

Naaah bro... I’m playing it WITH my wife. Heavens help us when Multiplayer happens...

I have only heard a Tickle Me Elmo doll because a sex-educator friend of mine up in Washington DC went to a hacker convention and brought back a device... Essentially a ‘Tickle-Me Dildo’. Literally an intimidating phallus married to the battery powered vibro-box that comes inside a Tickle-Me Elmo doll. Seeing that

Ya know... we’re trying to get pregnant... and very honestly, this worries me. It’s been a thing. I’ve wondered if there’s a way to get older elmo-LESS episodes of Sesame Street so that I can show the little critter when it used to be good. Cos i’m not having any Elmo in the house. I will go full totalitarian

It’s Johnny Longtorso the Game. The Game where the game itself, is sold seperately. “Johnny Longtorsoooo... he’s Long.”

One full of air fresheners.

Have you never seen the outlandish prices Lego asks for ANYTHING? I don’t see a surprise here.

Now playing

I do not buy “Johnny Longtorso” games. Who’s that you ask...