
If you want a quick link to a clone of my best ship in the original Captain Forever, you can follow this link right here. Essentially, once you get so far, you get these chromatic ships only for a bit until you can kill one, or trick one into blowing another up, then it's just a mix of all the differently colored

Goatse photoshop in three... .two... one....

I feel I really should mention. I'm glad that you just speak to us in these videos. The expectation by many is that you're going to be narrated by some dudemans who's never eaten or drank anything in his life without the word EXTREEEEEEME! on it. The sort of guy who just downed about half a pound of cocaine before

Isn't her dad a cop? That's a heck of a tragedy waiting to happen when confronted with a costumed vigilante wearing a hoodie.

No. I like Miles, but no. You save Miles for later. You do the MCU Spidey following for the most part the Ultimate Spidey storyline. Meaning that you retain the dramatic potential of Miles having to put on the webs and fill the legacy Peter left to him. Which I understand was a big part of his development as a

Parasite Eve. ALL of em.

When I can play the back catalog of the previous systems on a PS without getting double dipped for games I already own, this will be a consideration. Until then, my PC gets all the love.

Still waiting for a version of DA2 with all the DLC in it. Oh. And for a price that isn't 20.00 for a 2 year old game. Or for it to be available on Steam like the first one. Or all kinds of things really.

Well now we need Garrett to show up at DragonCon in this uniform next year. (He runs the Trek Track there.)

Dear mum...

Now look at the coat Russell's wearing in UC. Then look at 'Swanson's' coat in Big Trouble.

I usually refer to him as 'Hire-A-Thug' for his tendency to play henchmen and... well thugs in EVERYTHING.


I'm STILL not all that great shakes with any kind of dual stick controller cos while everyone else was learning to play with dual shocks on their PS1's, I was still rocking the most comfortable controller I have ever played with ever. I even got the red one.

I'm STILL not all that great shakes with any kind of dual stick controller cos while everyone else was learning to

Still... waiting.... on.... Strider....

They should have bundled it with its sequel too. Martian Memorandum.


Ya know... the absolute best format to show off a high tech graphics engine demo is in halty as hell 460x240 resolution flash video. It readlly brings out the nuances of NOTHING AT ALL.

That was called the 'Love Me Chain'

Honestly, I don't see a problem with this. If it engages kids drive, I don't give an 8th of a damn what's DRIVING them to learn. It doesn't have to be some puritanical "passion for learning". That will come later on when the kid is old enough to realize, "Hey, maybe there's more to this than just getting my 9th